The AVS free-ware is limited to video picture set-up only. There's no audio test tones. You might be thinking that you don't need them when an amp has an auto calibration mic, however the wizards don't always get it right and there's some things such as rattle tests and lip sync timing that it's useful to be able to check. The other big limitation is that free-ware comes with no colour filters. You need these to set Tint and Colour. You can't adjust them correctly without at least a blue filter.
The Knowhow disc is a step in the right direction. It gets the idea of picture set-up out there to people who probably wouldn't normally read tech forums, so in this respect it's to be welcomed. The blurb says that Joe Kane has had a hand in the designing of the test patterns. That's no bad thing. He is very well respected in the industry. The disc also comes with filters, as it should for £20-£30. It would be handy to find out if there's any audio tones and tests on the disc.
For similar money (£25) there's the pukka Joe Kane disc called
DVE HD Basics. It's available on Ebay. This disc and
Spears & Munsil are two of the most useful set-up tools available. DVE HD Basics is easy to use and there's some useful (if a bit boring) tutorials to help understand what to look or listen for in the various tests. Personally, for the sake of a fiver I think this one is a no-brainer over the Knowhow disc.
Spears & Munsil is far more in-depth. It has some excellent tools and is very comprehensive, but it's not easy for a novice.
Don't forget to check your DVD and Blu-ray collection though. Some THX disc included test patterns for video set-up.