The test pattern discs I carry all have video sequences in them that challenge various aspects of the display. I also carry some films as standard stock. Currently it's The Art of Flight, Gravity (2D & 3D), Drive Angry (for 3D) and a couple of others. I do enjoy watching whatever the customer is most familiar with. It's good to see them spotting all the extra detail and improved depth on ordinary BDs. It's a real wow factor moment.
Oblivion and Elysium is one of the best showing off the greyscale. All those soft neutral grey desks/consoles and such. Some real nice contrast as well. Plus the amazing skin tones.
Would you class The Great Gatsby 2013 quite saturated?
Tron Legacy is more of a contrast-y film than saturation. Very twinkly with amazing blacks. Though Casino Royale is a real stunner for showing things off. Black and white to the soft greys, lovely lush greenery to the lovely ocean and whites to some of the incredible skin tones.