KOTOR is getting remade in unreal 4 engine by a indie team. fan game dead

24 Oct 2005
North East

KOTOR: Apeiron is a voluntary community project still very early in development and with no discernible timeline, as is often the case with community projects. And it's wildly ambitious, claiming it will not only remaster the game with new visuals but also remake and expand it.

"Apeiron is a remake and remastering of the original game with added content, new worlds, missions, HUD, inventory, items, and companions," the project's website says.

And Apeiron will be completely free, because it has to be - because as soon as any money changes hands, IP holder Disney, which has apparently given the project the green light, will shut it down

Some pics to show but there on the article so just see em there.

Interesting news for sure but can't see it ever being done tbh as these things never do which is a shame as gfx look nice. If it ever does get finished and plays well in unreal 4 engine I'm sure as hell gonna try it. But I think it will get shut down or take years of small updates on progress then get canned as too large of a project to finish by a tiny team.
We will see this in 3 years in an unfinished state. These projects are far too huge for a small community team working in their spare time.
Please, please, please, please be good!

Just the graphics need changing, NOTHING else.

I wish they would give it the same make over that KOTOR 2 got.
UE4 is very easy to work with, as long as they don't give up/half arse it then it's entirely possible they could have it out in a reasonable timeframe.
If you really believe a company infamous for clamping down on IP infringement is going to allow this one project based on the word of a over ambitious random internet person who believes pilfering the assets of an entire game is "okay because we aren't charging for it" then you best buckle up for disappointment when the inevitable cease and desist comes.
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UE4 is very easy to work with, as long as they don't give up/half arse it then it's entirely possible they could have it out in a reasonable timeframe.

It's very easy to drop some assets into a level in UE4 and publish a few nice looking screenshots as the default rendering settings have all the shiny turned on....making a complete game is another matter entirely.
GAH! Want. I hope It works out.

EDIT: I also agree, don't change anything other than the graphics. Apart from anything, wouldn't that be easier and take less time? From the sounds of things they want to add new inventory, companions and story lines etc..
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I think the devs stream their work on twitch


We are in mostly static mesh phases across the board, BP's and C++ code for some levels and hero characters have been done but we are still very much so in "Alpha"

Not particularly encouraging...no mention of the actual game systems? It's a pretty complicated RPG engine they're going to need to build, and you want to do that before you pour a lot of resources into assets.
Hmm, amazed at Disney green-lighting it. I guess they are just working on the assumption that it'll never get anywhere.

Be interesting to see actual confirmation that it has been given the nod by Disney/IP holder. I've seen it many times before where projects have claimed that but don't actually have any licensing and get shutdown.
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