The judge is a bit of an ass tbh. It honestly seems that he is actively trying to disrupt the prosecutions case at every step.
Which is exactly what people were saying he was going to do before the trial even started!
Are the prosecution trying to get this declared a mistrial because they've ****** up so much? Last 30 odd minutes have been nuts.
Prosecution making an excellent point right now.
Same sort of comment, just declaring an opposite opinion.
Almost like you are biased because you know exactly what i was talking about, yet took objection to me saying it was a good point
Literally the one that you and Dowie were commenting on and what the judge was berating them about.
i thought it was pretty clear what everyone was discussing but evidently not (or in Dowie's case, he is just being transparently and intentionally obtuse).
Oh look, you did know what i was talking about.
... and as i pointed out, i thought the prosecution made an excellent case considering one of the charges is first degree murder. I think its absurd that they aren't allowed to talk about his comments a few weeks prior where Rittenhouse looked at people ostensibly doing a similar thing to the rioters/looters and claimed that he wished he had his AR15 so he could shoot them. Two weeks later, he went and did just that. This case is all about mindsets/the use of deadly force/intentions etc. Not allowing evidence to show that Rittenhouse did at one point very soon before the event claim he wanted to shoot people carrying out crimes is silly.
The prosecution also very eloquently pointed out the double standards in terms of the defenses trumping up of the fact that Rosenbaum said he wanted to kill someone whilst not holding a rifle too.
Your post indicates this is a lie.
What an absurd comparison.
I thought putting Kyle on the stand was a bad idea but I don't think it could be going any better for the defence at this point lol.
Coming from the guy that tried to argue that chasing after a person that is armed is a logical move when you feel like your life is being threatened.
There is no bad faith. I'm just interested to hear so many in this thread saying how stupid an idea it is to try and disarm someone who you might perceive as a threat.
Why are you assuming that everyone knew he was "fleeing/running away"?
What if he was getting to a better vantage point?
You are all just assuming that everyone there immediately thought "oh, he must have just shot that guy in self defense/by accident and now he is most certainly just being a nice old chap and running away to turn himself over to the police. Let us just let him be on his merry way".
I think it indicates that a lot of you are not really thinking in depth about the possible thought process of people who find themselves in a situation such as this.
You see once again, what you see on a video is ENTIRELY different to what someone might be thinking someone is doing in the heat of the moment in a highly stressful situation such as this.
"Yeh well the video shows him walking in that direction". So what. That isn't what i'm talking about.
Ive never said he was running to a vantage point. I'm talking about what people at that time may have thought he may be doing, in the panic of the moment. How do they know he isn't just moving away to potentially get more shots off at people but from a better distance to protect himself?
If you are not interested in discussing what everyone was possibly thinking at the time and their intentions, then that is fine. But that is pretty much the curx of this whole case.