L01 Error

30 Aug 2005
Right, I made a thread a few days back about parts for a friend, he's put it all together and he's getting some error when he turns it on

L01 over and over, or something similar maybe L01 then 01.

Now I did a quick Google check, and couldn't find anything helpful, is this a problem related to an old HDD as he never bothered to wipe it and has just plugged it in as the slave with the DVD as primary (his words).

Any help is appreciated.
Have you got the spec to hand.

Couple of quick questions: did he do CMOS reset, try removing all parts except 1 RAM, graphics card and hard drive with operating system and DVD drive.

Can he access the BIOS to check temps.

Revolution6000 said:
he never bothered to wipe it and has just plugged it in as the slave with the DVD as primary (his words).

Well it's hardly surprising, you can't just plop the HDD as it is with a new system and expect it to work.

The HDD should be primary when on the same IDE as an Optical drive also...
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