l4d2 on steam (pre order, 4 pack)

Holds in Paypal then you trasnfer to bank

Someone has to pick fee payment

Gift send money (throught personal payment) so payer gets fees
I just bought L4D and L4D2 bundle.

Anyone on here playing atm? I need playing buddies :D

Add me: rexehuk on steam :)
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Looking for a gift from someone with a 4 pack (for my mate)

I'll pay if youll gift it to their acc c:

PM/Email/msn me please
Ah, i'll just pay someone, cbb with the hassle of buying 4 and gifting. I'll join someone?? Unless there's a definite group of 4, then i don't mind.
With PP gift, do i have to pay any fees?

EDIT: me, sid, tntcoda, TacticalAssault?
Edit2: Can't find tntcoda by searching?
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