l4d2 on steam (pre order, 4 pack)

Steam name is Jabbypants let me know on payment.

Cool - as soon as the others confirm I'll sort everything out - I don't want to be left out of pocket.

Jedi sounded like a cert - so just need maxilive to confirm.
Sweet. OK I'll get it ordered tonight.

I would prefer payment via Bank Xfer, direct deposit or Paypal (I think with paypal gift I can avoid fees is that correct?) - amount is £20.25

If you are paying via paypal (pay to email in trust) - i'll send you the game once I receive confirmation (so you could even have it tonight). If you want to pay via bank xfer or deposit, drop me a mail to let me know.


Edit: Oh forgot to mention, I'll leave you all trust as well once its all done :)
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Maxi - can't find you on steam - can you give me an email addy to send it to (preferably the one linked to your steam account) - send it to my hotmail again

E-mail sent, sorry about that I've never used steam gifting service so I gave you my login which I thought it would be right. :D

Steam confuses me too much sometimes :confused:

GIFT Received :D

Thanks Egon!
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JediFragger - Just waiting on you now mate. Can you confirm whether you want this last L4D2 !!!!
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