lads what do you lot look like? post pics!

Since I can't find one of me in my car, he's a nice side shot of my head in a plane:


And one of my (un)sexy(ish) (delete as appropriate) mug in my work attire:


loopylou said:
Where do you work that requires that sexy attire?

In a big building near Heathrow with lots of Radar screens and mad people sitting in front of them :D

The only compulsory attire is the headset, the shirt was my choice :p
Scuzi said:
In a big building near Heathrow with lots of Radar screens and mad people sitting in front of them :D

The only compulsory attire is the headset, the shirt was my choice :p

Air Traffic Control? My boyfriend applied to do that this year, he got as far as the testing stage, he was really interested in becoming one.
lemonkettaz said:
she looks familiar to me too.... maybe its somebody famous.. that is why i seem to recognise her too
If it's a porn star, we won't 'alf have egg on our faces.

(Don't take that the wrong way, Lou)
Your car always looks immaculate agw how do you do it?! I still havent got that stereo advice from you on msn!! ;) Its weird half the people never look like you imagine them :eek:
By not listening to people saying "it's just a Rover" :) I actually take pride in showing people how good an old Rover can look. It turns so many heads when it's clean.

Still, over the winter months it picked up a few scratches and scrapes from inconsiderate people. It's gutting to look at it now and see pictures of when I picked it up.

You'll have to catch me next time I'm on MSN. I'm not on often, but next time I see you I'll give you a heads-up.
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