ive been draggin my computer back and forth a lot recently and was thinking of a new case for my new pc build in prep for sup com when it comes out
does any one know of a half decent case with carry handle ? hehe
serisouly i was thinking one on the top, ive been using the gap where two fan holes are to carry it lately and was thinking a carry handle might be a little less sharp on the old fingers
ive had a qucik google on the subject but only found some on us sites and would rather order from a uk company
anyone know of any good ones ?
does any one know of a half decent case with carry handle ? hehe
serisouly i was thinking one on the top, ive been using the gap where two fan holes are to carry it lately and was thinking a carry handle might be a little less sharp on the old fingers
ive had a qucik google on the subject but only found some on us sites and would rather order from a uk company
anyone know of any good ones ?