Landis gives positive drugs test

Landis has admitted to been on drugs for most of his career. He has also accused the sports 'white knight' of been on them and offering him advice on how to not to get caught.

There's another one off Armstrong's Christmas card list...

I wouldn't be totally surprised if Armstrong had been taking something illicit but then I wouldn't be surprised to hear that almost any professional cyclist had and that's really rather sad.
Cyclists have been at it for decades! Just wonder what they could do to stop it - both in cycling and in other sports!
I don't believe any of the previous tour winners were free of drugs during their career. It just seems so prevalent in the sport that you feel that the "clean" people are just the ones that haven't been caught. It's all made me lose interest in cycling as a sport.
he lost all credibility a long long time ago - hope they go after him for extorting all those donations from people for his defence fund.

Would be interesting if they did legalize it, or even have two series - one "natural" one and one "enhanced" - obviously there would have to be controls on the enhanced one but its that legalise it to control it argument.
There is a monument to a dead cyclist (Tommy Simpson) who pushed himself over the limit because of a cocktail of drugs at the top of Mount Ventoux. They have to keep trying to stop the cheats for their own safety.
Legalising it would make it safer, even bring it under the control of a governing body.
I admit I know nothing about cycling, but I can't understand anyone wanting to legalise drug enhancement in any sport, or am I totally missing something here?

Having two contests, one for clean athletes and one for drugged athletes? Are you mad? What on earth is that about?
There is no way to stop doping in sport, so one way to counter it is to legalise it.

So what do we tell our young up-and-coming athletes when they talk about their hero or idol, the individual that inspires them? Do we mention that the reason that so-and-so performs so well is because they are on more/better drugs than anyone else?

It just sounds crazy to me, because atm they can't do anything to prevent it then they should make it legal? Are we talking only some drugs being legal or any drug? If it's some then the same problems will happen, if it's all then we'll get only the richer athletes being able to afford the best drugs. It'll just be replacing one problem with another to the detriment of the sport itself.

There must be something they can do, surely even taking the money out of sport would be better than saying anyone can take anything they want to help their performance.

Surely sport isn’t that bad is it?
Isn't it? Look at cycling, athletics, etc. It's endemic.

I'm not saying it's the solution, just that it's one that should be considered.
There is no way to stop doping in sport, so one way to counter it is to legalise it.

they can stop a lot of it by testing more often. how much does drugs testing cost ? it must be relatively cheap compared ot how much money all the sponsors/manufacturers/riders make ?

legalising it doesnt just make it more dangerous for those riders but it is also a bad influence too kids who want to start riding and is bad for those who cant afford or dont want to risk taking drugs. why should people 'have' to take drugs just to be in with a chance ? ridiculous
I think its (as in sport) definitely getting a lot cleaner, especially with the biological passports.

Cycling gets a bad press because there are more rigourous controls therefore more caught, whereas in other sports its swept under the carpet or turned a blind eye to. Look at Operation Puerto for an example.

I'm on the fence about Armstrong. I've read his books and half of me thinks its inevitable he doped, as otherwise how could he beat all his competitors that were at it, yet half of me thinks that he wouldnt risk his own life, something he values above everything else, with something like EPO.

I'd certainly LIKE to believe he's been clean, but I wouldn't get all that upset about it to be honest - Merckx was at it decades ago and it hasn't done his legacy any harm.

I wouldn't consider legalising it though - the technology is there to detect it now, and from what I can gather, is finally ahead of the doctors administering the doping.
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