LanParty Nforce4 Ultra-D Raid 0 Problem??

8 Jun 2006

Has anyone managed to get a RAID 0 working within Vista on the above board?

I'm hoping to purchase Ultimate but I've read of issues with legacy board (Nforce 4) not seeing the RAID as a complete drive but as two seperate drives??

Can anyone comment if they have got it working on x86 Vista and if so what drivers they used?

Many thanks ;)
If only it was that simple :(

I installed XP straight onto the RAID 0 last night so the BIOS settings must have been correct?

I spent some time reading and there was an issue at RC1 & RC2 but I was hoping they would have been fixed by now....

Maybe I'll give it some more time and keep checking forums for a fix :confused:
Lol thats fine mate..!!

I have actually found some modded drivers from a website that I will try tonight.

Not too fussed as XP pro fly's with my RAID 0 as it is...!!

Cheers ;)
Just as an update their are modded raid drivers out for nforce 4 boards to get vista raid working

I used them and it worked a charm, raid 0 ;)
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