Been out of the loop for about a year on CPU's and hardware so just wanted to get a bit of advise. Been traveling in my camper so had a Lenovo legion 5 laptop with NVIDIA 3070 and AMD Ryzen 7 5800H to play Warzone . I've now moved into a house and using my laptop with a 1440p 144hz 27" screen and it runs great. To be honest there is no reason to change it but I fancy a desktop set again and just looking at option's.
I've also asked the same question on my GPUin the GPU section but just need some advise on CPU's now. So is there any cheap alternatives from Intel/AMD to my 5800H, will mainly be used for games (Warzone).
I've also asked the same question on my GPUin the GPU section but just need some advise on CPU's now. So is there any cheap alternatives from Intel/AMD to my 5800H, will mainly be used for games (Warzone).