Laptop Fan

5 Dec 2003
Having recently reformatted and added new RAM to my laptop that I aquired off my girlfriend and it is now in a "usable" state (thanks for all the help from the guys on this forum!).

I only have one more thing thats really ticking me off, the fan! It seems to come on pretty much after I open my first application in windows and does not go off till I shut down, Its very noisy!

Do you guys think I will see/hear a difference if I get my self some thermal paste and re-seat the CPU etc?? Also is there anyway of controlling the fan from windows? Maybe an app that does it?

The laptop is a 15" widescreen Packard Bell EasyNote.

Thanks in advance!
There are ways to control the fan speed (probably - depends largely on the board) but if it thinks it needs to be on, then more than likely it will be correct. Slowing the fan will only increase the temp of the CPU in this case.

You could try re-seating the heatsink and fan, but if you're saying it's very loud, try and find a new one maybe? I'm no expert on laptops ... not sure about logistics of that ... but that would seem logical to me.
Is it me or is it a bit rubbish that the fan has to be on when just looking at a view websites, running a big app or something I can understand but surely you should be able to do small things with out the fan on? Also when I leave it with no apps running why does it not then cool down enough again, its just winding me up as its a constant noise.
laptops have a tiny internal area, as such any heat finds it had to dissipate, the best best would be to fit a new higher cfm but lower db such as an alska amber? to the laptop, and replacing the laptops heat-sink.
I know that for my Athlon 64 based lappy, I have to install an AMD driver in order to get the power management working properly, otherwise the fan just stays on full power all the time (presumably because the CPU isnt throttling).

Maybe thats the case here?
Go for a re-seat for starters.

Obviously, the temp of the CPU determines the fan rate, so if the heatsink is seated badly or has too much thermal paste etc, it will be getting hot very easily. It would, therefore, think that the fan needs to be on to reduce the temps. However, if it is indeed seated badly, then it being on won't reduce the temps, so the fan will remain on.

^ Quite jumbled, couldn't get it to make sense properly even after a few re-writes :(
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