Laptop Hard Drive Question

11 Oct 2005
Hay all,

Have a Laptop that is about 2 months old with XP home SP2 installed.

The Laptop never came with a recovery cd, as the HD is 40GB but in a partition of arguments sake 50/50 split.

With the I386 folder and recovery process built into the partition etc.

Now as the HD is only 40GB I may want to change it in the future to a larger one. Just wondered what was the best way of trasferring everything from one to another. I am savvy on normal PC's as in connecting HD's up, but have never even seen a Laptop HD so know idea on what connectors etc they use.

Just thinking of getting a bigger HD (I presume laptop HD's are the same accross the board ?)

Just unsure how to get everything off of the original and still be able to then use the laptop makers recovery process from the original HD on my new HD

hope this makes sense if not, let me know and I shall hit myself with a spanner and try again :)
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