Laptop hard drive

4 Oct 2008
Hey guys, I have a broken laptop with a HDD full of files that are important to me so I wanted to just rip it out and stick it in some sort of case and use as an external hard drive. Did some research and I cant seem to find a case that is some what cheap and doesnt have loads of bad reviews so if someone could give me abit of advice that would be great.
I bought one on the today only deal. Claimed it was 7 quid... then when it's off the deal, it's £2.99. Marketing at it's best. Gotta love good old honest OC :D

I'll report on how mines is. Can't be great for £1.49. However I'm hoping to be pleasantly surprised. :)
I bought one on the today only deal. Claimed it was 7 quid... then when it's off the deal, it's £2.99. Marketing at it's best. Gotta love good old honest OC :D

I'll report on how mines is. Can't be great for £1.49. However I'm hoping to be pleasantly surprised. :)

:D be great if you can let me know, not in any rush as my new laptop wont be here for around 1 week and OCUK is always very fast with there delivery.
Haha they're not bad, I bought one when they was on the weekly offer for 0.98 when they came out :D

I thought I did well getting it at £1.50. I wont cry over 50p.

So... is it really screwless... the review says otherwise? Is it solid enough? Work alright?

Still not received mine yet.
I thought I did well getting it at £1.50. I wont cry over 50p.

So... is it really screwless... the review says otherwise? Is it solid enough? Work alright?

Still not received mine yet.

Yeah theres no need for screws, slide the back case off and slide in your HDD. Easy.

Thats a nice price :D. How is it overall, all good.

Also Ive seen some of these need 2usb ports to power them up hopefully that isnt the case with this.

Yeah the build quality is not bad for the price. It uses only 1 USB to power.

Here's some pictures:

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Mines came today. The cable provided has two USB connectors on it. You may well get away with only one, depending on the required juice for the hard drive in question.

To the guy who wanted to format his Ps3 drive. You could just have connected the drive into your PC. Sata hard drives are all the same connections, regardless of form factor.
Mines came today. The cable provided has two USB connectors on it. You may well get away with only one, depending on the required juice for the hard drive in question.

To the guy who wanted to format his Ps3 drive. You could just have connected the drive into your PC. Sata hard drives are all the same connections, regardless of form factor.

Ok thanks a lot, and thanks tidusjar for the pics. Just opened up my old hard and its a S-atat so ill order this now :D.
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