laptop hd converter cable

20 Aug 2004
Ok my quesiton is this. I have a cable that plugs in to a laptop hd one end and a normal ide mobo the other end. Thats fine. The question is how on earth do I sucure the cable to the laptop hd? This cable is constantly slipping out. When the computer is in use this corrupts data and needs awindows reinstall, when not in use its just a pain to reconncet.

Now what I am hoping for is that lots of other people on here had similar problems and solved them all in cool and ingenious ways. the best one I found so far is a thin elastic band through the data cables on the ribbon and around the toher end of the hd, but this bends the cables and I always lost one convertor because of it.

A wee spot of glue (Araldite or the like) is probably going to be the best bet - just a wee bit mind, enough to hold the cable on the pins but small enough that it can be removed with a decent pull or prised off once it's hardened.

Edit: Thinking about it, silicone sealant might be easier to remove but should hold the cable just as well.
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