I purchased a Vaio FE21M from another online reseller in May 2006 and was initially happy with it. After about 3 weeks it developed a very annoying and loud clicking noise from the harddrive that varied from once every 2 minutes to once every 10 seconds. It sounds like a mechanical sound although it varies when it begins, you can hear it here: http://gavin.benson.users.btopenworld.com/Downloads/knocking.zip.
Sony took a look at it and concluded it was ‘within specification’ and they closed the support case (they did this twice). My reseller won't have any further involvment they say it is still under the manufacturers warranty.
So I am left with putting up with it (really difficult as I use my laptop in a quiet room to study) or purchasing a replacement HDD.
Any recommendations as to what I should buy?
I purchased a Vaio FE21M from another online reseller in May 2006 and was initially happy with it. After about 3 weeks it developed a very annoying and loud clicking noise from the harddrive that varied from once every 2 minutes to once every 10 seconds. It sounds like a mechanical sound although it varies when it begins, you can hear it here: http://gavin.benson.users.btopenworld.com/Downloads/knocking.zip.
Sony took a look at it and concluded it was ‘within specification’ and they closed the support case (they did this twice). My reseller won't have any further involvment they say it is still under the manufacturers warranty.
So I am left with putting up with it (really difficult as I use my laptop in a quiet room to study) or purchasing a replacement HDD.
Any recommendations as to what I should buy?