Last Gen console titles that deserve a next gen makeover!

24 Jul 2004
What titles do you reckon need a next gen version. Updated graphics, new game play and so on. A title that would really benefit from a powerful console.

One title i came up with was Shadow of the Colossus. As good as it was for the PS2, i really think it needs a next gen game made. I think that the game play could be pretty much left alone, bit it really would make the game a whole lot more special if the graphics were updated to next gen along with bigger badder colossi(sp)

So, what titles do you think need a next gen makeover?
Chronicles of Riddick, but its happening so :D
Deus Ex needs a remake
JSRF!! (preferably a new one but id take a remake)
Black (because it had so much potential but ended up rubbish, next gen power would make it brilliant)
NokkonWud said:
Tomb Raider

It has had a "next gen" makeover, unless you mean the original game as a remake, which I would agree with.

I would like to see a new Street Fighter as I love EX3 on PS2 or Marvel Versus Capcom.
Cant wait for Resident Evil and Metal Gear.
Maybe a new 2d Megaman or something
Fortyseven said:
It has had a "next gen" makeover, unless you mean the original game as a remake, which I would agree with.
Next-Gen is currently classed as 7th Generation, it was ported onto the 6th for reasons I cannot possibly comprehend.

But yes, Tomb Raider 1 (and 2) should be re-made for PS3.[/QUOTE]
The best superhero game ever made:

Hulk: Ultimate Destruction.

That would be amazing if it was in a city as detailed as the one in Crackdown, for example.
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