Last 'Great' Game, You Played and Hated, and rating.

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8 Mar 2013
I didn't like Saint's Row IV. Only stupid people or little kids can like this game.

Perhaps if I was still ten years old, or if I were to suffer from serious brain damage sometime in the future, I would be able to enjoy Saint's Row IV.
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I like SR IV, to me it is like the xbox 360 game called crackdown with powers that we never got. In fact it could have been called Crackdown 3. SR is just meant to be a fun game and that is it, nothing serious just a game to put a smile on your face as you can do so much silly stuff it is unreal. Sounds like GTA 5 is better suited to your needs.
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Isn't that why we have this thread.

No it isn't.

I just posted in that thread a positive review on Shadow of Mordor. A game which I completed.

This thread is for games that are meant to be the dogs testicles, but are more like dog turds....not everyone will agree but everyone will be able to detect when someone is on the same level as they are. Such a thread could serve to save gamers time and money in their search for their next video gaming hit.
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I'd recommend Saints Row to be honest.

The other thread is fine for the review as well, you're was more of an attack on people who actually liked it.
So.... this should really be, "The last game you couldn't stand so couldn't be bothered to finish?"?

Saying "last great game" is a subjective thing. Who said it was great in the first place?

Also, as above, to suggest that anyone who enjoyed it is either a child or brain damaged, is a bit OTT.
So to summarise you didn't like Saint's Row IV and anyone who did is either 10 years old or brain damaged.

Charming fellow.

The other thread is fine for the review as well, you're was more of an attack on people who actually liked it.

Seems to me it was just that OP thought that HE would need to suffer brain damage, or be his 10-year-old self, to enable him to enjoy the game.

That's if you're not on the hunt for butthurt, anyway :D
Man you sound delightful.


Pretty much sums up what people think of SR IV ;)
Last game I hated was GTA V, got it on PS4, tried playing it twice and then gave up and sold it. I found I was just too old for that kind of gangsta rubbish. Control, as in every other GTA game was clunky as hell, not even 1st person saved it. I loved Vice City, but I think that was more for the music. I think GTA, despite the age rating is really aimed at 12 year old boys. Shame as I was really looking forward to it as well.

I wouldn't say avoid it at all as its an obviously polished fine example of game making, but, I think you (unfortunately) just grow out of games that type.

Best game I've played recently was This War Of Mine, superb! Can be really tough and frustrating in places but the story, strategy, environments and pencil drawing graphics hit the spot with me.
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Once you get past the first few mandatory missions, play GTA 5 as Michael as much as you can, ergo circumventing all the gangsta ****
I didn't like nor complete Far Cry 3 and 4, Crysis 3, All Dragon Ages, Bioshock 1 and 2 and many more.

I liked Skyrim but never completed it as i got bored twice half way through.
No it isn't.

I just posted in that thread a positive review on Shadow of Mordor. A game which I completed.

So you think we need a thread for completed games and a thread for games we kind of played but not really.

So by your logic, we need a thread for games we are never going to play.

You sure you are not brain damaged?
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Perhaps if I was still ten years old, or if I were to suffer from serious brain damage sometime in the future, I would be able to enjoy Saint's Row IV.

I don't know about ten year olds but you should be old enough to deduce that insulting those who played and enjoyed SR IV is a bad idea simply because roughly 80% of those who purchased it enjoyed it in some way and a sample with a similar ratio will be present on these forums, which will turn your thread into something very different than what you probably had in mind.

What really happened:

MatTheCat buys Saints Row IV
He installs it and sets Steam to offline mode before going away for work
He plays it non-stop for 2 weeks while away, realises it's probably the best game he's ever played, he's in love with it
Steam says it wants to go online one day
Mat tries to go online, it won't let him
Consumed by rage he proceeds to spam the forums, telling us how awful Steam and Saints Row IV are, whilst secretly crying that he can no longer play his beloved game.
What really happened:

MatTheCat buys Saints Row IV
He installs it and sets Steam to offline mode before going away for work
He plays it non-stop for 2 weeks while away, realises it's probably the best game he's ever played, he's in love with it
Steam says it wants to go online one day
Mat tries to go online, it won't let him
Consumed by rage he proceeds to spam the forums, telling us how awful Steam and Saints Row IV are, whilst secretly crying that he can no longer play his beloved game.


Saints Row just happens to be the one game that I could get a working crack for. It is quite literally the only game that I can play.

It is a tragedy.
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