Last night down the pub

4 Dec 2003
So I took Mrs Snail to the pub last night to watch the England game (she brought a book to read at the same time). We don;t normally go out to Pubs much in the evening so we thought it would be a nice change.

However, I noticed two things. Firstly about 90 % of the people in the pub were smoking (I dont and dislike it intensely). Secondly, 75 % of the words used had four letters and began with either F or C: this upset Mrs Snail.

I could not help wondering if either I am prudish (or a snob) or our society has declline to such a point that this is only way in which people and enjoy/ express themselves.

I appreacite it was during the footie, but even so....
Dont worry come July 1st there will be no smoking in pubs. As a (trying to give up) smoker I am glad they are banning it, hopefully this will remove the hooligan element from most pubs when the games are on.
Swearing is becoming increasingly common and more socially acceptable... I know both yobs and toffs that swear like troopers and in pubs that's where you're most likely to hear it i'm afraid.

However to say "our society has declline to such a point that this is only way in which people and enjoy/ express themselves" is a tad melodramatic, get a grip man smoking and swearing in pubs has been going on for millenia!
All true. Perhaps I am being melodramatic and I swear myself when both playing and watching football, perhaps my point is the intensity surprised me last night.

I am not yanking you when I say that not a single sentence didnt contain these words.....I am 35, but I did feel like an old prune
MasterMike said:
You were in a pub. A big football match was on. Of course there's going to be swearing.

Depends on the pub. One of the ones local to me will bar you for it. It is a family pub and televises the footy.
While I hate smoking I have no problem with people smoking in pubs but I do look forward to the ban (so I won't always stink when I come home from the pub).

As for swearing during a football game I really don't see a problem, especially in a pub environment, I swear like a trooper when in the pub and not at all anywhere else.

What do you expect from a load of drunks in a pub watching your country playing football? It's not like people are going to be sat there quietly...
I think, therefore, the issue might be either me as a prude (see above) or I went to the wrong pub and that in other places there will be fewer swearies.

I was just really put out by the volume and intensity, I mean I watch football, I am pasionate - but I can still express this without the one word in four being an F.

Although if I had done so last night Mrs Snail would have killed me. Like a dog in the street. :)
You didnt expect them to start shouting "hooray", "righto that was a rocking goal" and "oh referee old chap, that was not a corner, looking at the slow motion action replay i can clearly see his leg did not touch the ball, it was at least 0.53 meters southwest at an 18 degree angle. I do protest."

They merely translate into; "NO SWEARING YES!!!", "GET IT!!" and "COME ON REF!!!".

Smoking I agree on, cant stand coming home from the pub and reeking of smoke, not to mention probably inhaling as much smoke as a ten pack. So glad they are banning it.
Any England fan would be swearing watching such crap.
Find a family pub with better rules.
Richdog said:
However to say "our society has declline to such a point that this is only way in which people and enjoy/ express themselves" is a tad melodramatic, get a grip man smoking and swearing in pubs has been going on for millenia!

My thoughts exactly.
As for swearing during a football game I really don't see a problem, especially in a pub environment, I swear like a trooper when in the pub and not at all anywhere else.


Why do you do that?

Have a think, it doesn't make sense to swear in pubs.

I always think people swear due to limited volcabulary. Swearing when you have the proper volcabulary seems a bit daft. Perhaps you are trying to show your "common" side?

I have noticed this with other people as well. Of course if it's after copious amounts of alcohol then all is forgiven as alcohol is a great class leveller. ie everyone acts like an eejit.
Depends which pub you go to. I saw the World Cup final last year at the Bull in Highgate. No smoking or swearing there!!

However, if I'd have been down the Duke Of Cambridge in Strawberry Vale.. ugh. They closed that place because of all the violence.
jas72 said:
Why do you do that?

Have a think, it doesn't make sense to swear in pubs.

I always think people swear due to limited volcabulary. Swearing when you have the proper volcabulary seems a bit daft. Perhaps you are trying to show your "common" side?

I have noticed this with other people as well. Of course if it's after copious amounts of alcohol then all is forgiven as alcohol is a great class leveller. ie everyone acts like an eejit.

In all honesty some words simply lack the impact/effect of a swear word. There's nothing wrong with swearing when it's in the right situation.
jas72 said:
I always think people swear due to limited volcabulary.

I disagree. Prime example - its impossible to describe West Bromwich Albion without using the terms ********, ******, **, ****, ****, and lastly ******************.
jas72 said:

I always think people swear due to limited volcabulary. Swearing when you have the proper volcabulary seems a bit daft.

"You taught me your language and my profit on't is I know how to curse" - Caliban, The Tempest

Frustrated people incapable of describing their thoughts and feelings adequately will always resort to violence or swearing. Violence only occurs when verbal communication breaks down or fails.
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