LaTeX help!

23 Dec 2010
Hey guys,

Got a assignment that needs to be in tomorrow, insanely ridiculous rules on how many pages we can utalise and the amount of content the question asks.

Wondering how I would remove the spacing between the top of the page and the \maketitle!

This is what I've got so far.

\date{Monday 3rd December 2012}

\fancyhead[CO,CE]{---asdasdas ---}
[RO, LE] {\thepage}



So if anyone can help, I'd be truly grateful!
Use the titling package for the header, \setlength{\droptitle}{-10pt}

I did my 4th year dissertation in LaTeX, it's awesome once you get used to it. Been a while since then, so the above help is quite hacky and probably wrong! :p

Google is your friend, I'm sure it's a common issue.
Looks like your space-saving is at an extreme!

I've done this in the past by either making my own title (rather than using /maketitle) or by adding in negative vertical spaces around the \maketitle, i.e. \vspace{-0.5cm) or something. This will reduce the amount of white space between the top of the page and the title. Have you also redone the margins to give you more space?
It should be define in whatever style you applying to the code

I used this one, with some tweaks to comply to my dissertation format rules, it's awesome!


Mmmm, lovely LaTeX.
Ahh yes, I remember discovering this at uni and doing every piece of work possible in it.

Nothing beats a dissertation done nicely in LaTeX!

Used to think it was crap, since coming to Uni I've fallen in love with it.

I'll have a go of what was listed earlier, I'm trying to finish up for Christmas, too bad tomorrow is my last day...
As soon as I found out about LaTeX i used it for every pieve of coursework after. You can have a piece of work that is crap but put it in LaTeX and it instantly looks good.

I use pdfLaTeX.
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