Laws against low flying aircraft?

7 Feb 2004
We just had a very low flying aircraft which appeared to be dive bombing an area of houses, doing low level spins and what could only be described as generally showing off.

Are there any laws against this as I could even see the markings of the plane clearly. There are no nearby airports or landing sites nearby.

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7 Feb 2004
I took a few pictues but I missed him when he was very low as he came too fast past the houses.

Ill uploads them.

Im in Chesterfield, dont think anything is planned for here.
7 Feb 2004
If I recall correctly aircraft have to remain above 1000ft when flying over residential areas, with exception to take off and landing.

I think there is an exception for banner flying as well.

He was definately below 1000ft. Im not sure the pictures appear as if he is that low but at points of his dives it was more like in 100's feet.

I dont know enough about planes to say if it was mil or civ but low level barrel rolls shouldnt be done over a residential area. It did look like something you would see at an airshow.
7 Feb 2004
To be honest I never even realised it was a spitfire. I love it how when its just a reported plane that is flying low you get the statistics come out about health and safety but when its a spitfire then suddenly im moaning. And bringing out war stories is low lol

I never said that I didnt enjoy the show it was very impressive, just a little close to my family for my liking. He did barrell rolls and even flew upside down for a while but I would have preferred to watch it at an airshow.

To me at the time it just looked like some rich kid in a plane showing off to his mates without any concern for whats below. So it doesnt really matter if you want to call me names, everyone to their own opinions i guess. The safety of my family and those around me are more important than whether you think i moan too much.

Glad you liked the pictures ;)
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7 Feb 2004
That looks to be a spitfire performing at an airshow, why were you not there!!!

Civilian aircraft have to be 2000ft away from anyone/thing in heavily populated areas, and 500ft from anyone/thing in other areas. and need to stick to 250kts below 18,000ft (I think?).

Military jets can go down to 250ft at 500kts. I enjoy watching them do this in the Lakes. The Jags were the best as they are REALLY loud. Instructors doing training will regularly choose houses as mock targets, my uncle used to choose our house when flying Hawks up from Valley with students, sometimes he would pick phone boxes too.

So despite it looking very nice and him doing some fancy moves he shouldnt have been doing it above a residental area?
7 Feb 2004
That looks like PM631 to me which is owned by the RAF as part of the battle of Britain memorial flight so id imagine its still registered as a military aircraft.

Its also hard to get a true prospective to a plane in flight, it may look as though its just over some ones house but in reality its probably a few 1000 meters away over a field.

Trust me this was very close.
7 Feb 2004
Pottsey! Seriously what are you on about?

OP: Guessing your children won't be allowed to play sport then?

Whats a low flying plane got to do with my child playing sport? :rolleyes:

You really added something to the thread :rolleyes:

Wow what a lame thing to complain about :/

Who did I complain to exactly? I think I asked a simple question about the laws of flying low in a residential area. I think people are trying to make this into something its not, never once did I say I was going to report him or anything. I do think its not wise to do such tricks over residential housing when their are dozens of fields nearby in the opposite direction.

Looks great but seems very irresponsible and wreckless to me. :p

Just as an update he was back at exactly the same time doing it again but much further away this time. It was too cloudy to get any pictures this time.
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