LCD Rental?!

3 Oct 2004
North East
Hi all,

I live in a shared flat with professionals. One of them is moving out and is taking his Tv, which we use in the sitting room, with him. No body really wants to buy one, but I have come up with a couple of ideas...

i) Rent one. Anyone know a company which rent's 32-40" HD LCD's/Plasmas in the Newcastle area for roughly 12 months?

ii) I buy one, they rent off me. I was thinking of getting a 32" Samsung (They're about £470) and charging the other 4 housemates £5 each a month for 12 months. Thus generating £240 for me, making me essentially get a cheap Telly.

What does everyone think? Ideas and/or thoughts appreciated...
Energize said:
Where you pay over a period of 12 months, most high street and online retailers have them for av equipment.

This causes an issue though. The Tv is then owned by 5 people. What if one leaves the house etc etc etc?!
ManCuBuS said:
Is there no friendship or trust in this house?

Just buy a NO SWEARING TV and let them use it. When you move out take it with you.

EHHH?! Friendship or trust have nothing to do with the issue at hand imo.
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