LCD TV floor stand - any ideas?

18 Oct 2002
Leamington Spa / Oxford
Since it looks like i'll soon have an LG 32LX2R, I need a stand for it to sit on.

Looking for something glass, but quite dark, so preferably black framed.
I'll need room for DVD + Xbox 360, so 2 shelves will probably be enough, maybe 3.

The one thing I would like is a shallow profile. I don't have much room in my bedroom, so I don't want a stand that's 3 feet deep. Something not much deeper than your average dvd player would be good!

Ta :)
I'm planning on putting the LG 32LX2R in my bedroom, along with the dvd player and Xbox 360. I was thinking of putting it just past the end of the bed, which has a height of 65cm. And just estimating i'd like the top of the TV to be at a height of around 135cm.

Now the TV (with stand) is around 61cm tall. So I need an AV-stand that is around 70-75cm tall. Most i've seen seem to be around 50cm tall. So is there a solution to this?

I'd like to spend around £150, but would spend more if it was nice! Looking at something to match the TV, so dark glass / black frame would be nice!
Wall Mount it if you are wanting to save space, you can also get it at the perfect height then!

Maybe a floating shelf for the equipment to sit on too?
Wall mounting isn't an option unfortunately, and the shelves that Argos sell are too low..
Need something at least 65cm tall really!

I'm re-thinking the situation atm, as I might put my PC in the bedroom too, thus it would probably go on a desk of some kind.
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