Learn how to scam like a Nigerian!!!

MoNkeE said:
You know how you see a certain member and you have a completely made up image of them in your head?

That .gif is Basmic.


ROFFLES :p, took the words outta my mouth. I want to kill that kid and basmic numerous times :D:D:p
At least we aren't ribbon wearing, stick waving morris dancers :p

After reading the post title i now have Scam like a nigerian floating in my head to The Bangles Walk like an egyptian song. It will now be stuck all day in there :(

ElRazur said:
Seriously that is not real. Check out the links at the bottom of the page, it seems like someone is just joking around. There is no such conference. :rolleyes: :)

Funny though i must admit.

Only just read this, and I'm jumping on the bandwagon aswell :D
Your sig needs changing mate

And Beansprout, just coz the Welsh beat the English for the first time in God knows when, doesnt mean they can play Rugby ;)
welshtom said:
Oi we have our moments, grand slam 2005 maybe

I feel this is statement is going to be used for the next 20 years to back up the fact we can play rugby as in we won't win many if anymore for a while
sup3rc0w said:
Your sig needs changing mate


Another post i make, another keybpard warrior attacking my Signature! Get use to it, i wont change it. if anything it will only get outrageous. ;)
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