Learning PHP?

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21 Apr 2006
Hi peeps,

It’s been a while since ive touched any html (I know outdated) and I often find I have to be in the mood to code a website in html (often cheat and use frontpage) But what’s the easy way to learn PHP? As I want to be able to create a database have a separate login for a newbie to update a news page and add images and make it easy to update links on say 15 diffrent pages.

I have basic knowledge of html and I know I can’t learn this over night and looking at websites theses days it’s all about images more than coding or am I wrong? (e.g. Nice images that makes a decent layout (full screen etc) if anyone can help, basic things to learn what i need to know etc etc.
Thanks guys, where do i begin..lol :/

any useful apps to have to help along the way?
Get a decent syntax-highlighting text editor, there are plenty of free ones about (see the sticky). My personal recommendation would be notepad++.

I don't know about anyone else, but I find it very difficult to just work through tutorials without some future goal in sight - find yourself a project that you want to do, and then use the knowledge you're gaining from tutorials to achieve it. You'll learn more by applying that knowledge rather than just copying code verbatim.

If you've programmed before, then you should be able to pick it up fairly quickly, and find most stuff you need via the documentation @ www.php.net

If you haven't programmed before, then bear in mind PHP probably isn't the greatest language to start with; although if you're set on doing web stuff then I guess it'll do.
Cheers for that, ill have a go with Notepad++ I know basic html picked it up fairly easy from school many years ago and still remember a fair majority of the language, I just want to advanced it further. I've set myself a goal of setting up a website I can login to and add/delete/add images/delete images to an index page and maybe (no idea how) make a list of links to separate pages that I can easy update and keep tabs on by updating one section instead of going through 15 pages and doing it separate if you catch me :) probably simple but daunting at first.

So i need to download php, apache , mysql? and have a play on my main pc or will i need webspace for this ?:)

or just WAMP?

Also how do you guys get motivated to get coding? :)
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get XAMPP. it works, and it's easy to set up.

as for literature, i'd spend a bit of cash and get this, but if you dont want to shell out any cash just yet, use the hudzilla link that rob provided; it's an excellent resource.

as for motivation, i love the challenge coding sets me. browse the net objectively, if you see something cool, sit down (i don't know who browses the net standing up, you know what i mean), plan how it could be done, and do it. whether you're right about the best way to do it or not, it'll give you a grasp for the language, and it'll show you a great sense of achievement once you've got it finished and it's working like you want it. don't cut corners as you're only selling yourself out. and the manuals are a great resource :)

most of all, you're learning in your spare time, so have fun!
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