Learning Programming

I'm almost 20% of my way into this Udemy Java course. The first 10% or so was a breeze and quite fun as it was mainly the same as Basic, which I've done before. When challenges were set I was often adding my own stuff and doing more than was asked.

Now I'm on to the OOP part (well, just finished it) and it's got a lot harder for me. Now I worry my terrible memory is going to be a factor. I have to reference back to a lot of the previous examples and almost copy bits to work my way through the challenges. The last couple I've had to start the explanations up, pause them now and then and try and keep a step or two ahead as Tim (the instructor) sets things up.

It worries me a little when I look at the Q&A section and others have come up with really elaborate solutions all on their own...

I will stick at it though, hopefully using it over and over again, it will become second nature, like the first 10% was. I even wonder about going through sections a second time. I guess I can come back to them. I have a few years to learn, so no big rush!
I wouldn't worry about the memorisation part. I don't know many people that don't copy paste and hack bits of code from Google to get their programs running. It's also a big reason intellisense exists
OOP is definitely a big change in 'difficulty' . It requires a different kind of thinking.

Don't worry about having to reference stuff all the time. That's what everyone does, which is why we don't care if someone has to Google something during a technical interview, so long as they aren't just googling the whole question obviously.
You just need to persevere with it and it should eventually click, very few programmers instantly had a knack for it overnight, it takes time, a long time to become really efficient at it.
I work as a lead software engineer. Mainly PLC's and control systems.

Personally I hate "proper" programming java, c etc but this I love. Have to do a lot process engineering, setup comms to all sorts of weird and wonderful kit. Although I do like PACs that do OOP.

With this sort of kit the key is elegance. Sometimes running whole industrial plants with 128kb of memory etc.
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