learning to poi

30 Aug 2004
I thought that instead of buying another computer game id give poi a try. Im quite co-ordinated and can do diabolo a bit. Ive heard that buying some ankle socks and putting 2 tennis balls in the bottoms of them is good enough but would something like this be better
Cobra Classic Poi

as they have the proper finger straps. of course tennis balls are still going to cost abit aswell as the ankle socks

opinions please
Phantom said:
do it with fire.

(in a park or on a beach at night...and everyone becomes your friend :p)

id want to learn normal poi then do it in a nightclub. Ive seen a couple of people do it with glowsticks when i was quite wasted and it looked awesome
raymond - i didnt know you can get lcd ones. how long to the batteries last and do they look tacky or not? also where from? im going into antigravity today i think in the corn exchange in leeds to have a look at what they have in store
just bought some glowpoi from antigravity. only had yellow but im not bothered what colour they are really. they just looked better quality than them ones with paper trails on them
Spacky said:
I want one, I want one, I want one, I want one, I want one, I want one, I want one, I want one, I want one, I want one, I want one, I want one, I want one, spams....

Also anyone know the track to that vid, its the kind of musical crap you need to play when playing with your poi things.

was this sarcasm or not?

and i was more techo music like this too please
im sure it was me who posted the vid. That kid is spinning with glowsticks attatched. the lcd ones will look good enough though, and its a bonus as you cant set your hair on fire :eek:
Spacky said:
Slight concern but its not showing as a secure page for ordering :confused:

that doesnt bother me, i went in store and now have it next to me! go on firetoys.com instead if you are buying
Spacky said:
Hmmm not sure whats good for a beginner, don't want to look like a pansey with a pretty ribbon :p

didnt think of that. but the ribbon is suppose to just get in the way and i looked at a 'cobra' ribbon one and it look really crappy quality. the one i have is on metal and the bag things look quite good qualiy too.
of course it costs £20 instead of £12 but you get what you pay for
Spacky said:
May go for the yellow glow poi, sadly currently out of stock.

lol. strange that, when i went in store they only had yellow. I got the last one (no other colours at all but he was on the phone as i went in ordering more)

ill post a pic of mine when i get home later today

edit - the joy of my new camera phone (resized)



just noticed they come with extra holder net things so you can put other things in. wait until i get a few wasps in each netting!! :)
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Vix said:
We should start a little poi community ;)
I have the glowy ones as pictured above, some comet ones and some purple fluffy ones. I can do different things with each set as they are all weighted differently.

I need to get back into practice though as I couldn't do it for a while due to a back problem. But poi is great fun and looks impressive too :D

we should vix. would be good to see what new moves people are learning (if any at all)

tonight ill start with spinning them in forward circles without crossing over. do the palms down and pushing air forward thing. I have a funny feeling this will be harder than it looks
how can you spin them forward without rotating the palms of your hand inwards. on home of poi site it says keeping palms down and like you are pushing air when they come over your shoulders.

to do a circle dont your palms have to go inwards and then up?
MNuTz said:

thanks, ive been looking at them today.

nothing about palms up or down from what i can see

'Holding the strap

The first way that is quite common is to hold onto the strap just using your index finger.
Children generally find it easier to hold onto the cord with the strap in the palm of the hand.
The most secure way to hold the strap is to put three fingers through the strap and then drop out the middle finger.'
DRZ said:
Just ordered, but after I placed my order a HUGE "WOAH" moment:

I closed my browser tab after the paypal transaction, which may or may not have been a mistake but when I typed in the URL again firefox autocompleted to an orderconfirm.php page, I hit enter and someone random's details came up!

In fact, it was Marc Lister, a user here on these forums! Just name and address etc but flipping heck! Thats not very secure at all! I tried it again and it didnt repeat the error so I am not sure if I should email them or not (I dont have a screenshot or anything) as it could be a one-off thing.

was that off the un-secure antigravity site or firetoys? going into stores is much easier and saves postage too
DRZ said:
I dont think I have a shop like antigravity near me - and even if I did I doubt I would bother to go in just for some of these. Delivery rocks :D

they go up to about £70. surely thats just like saying you wouldnt shop for things such as food, games and other stuff. and i know my general size in clothes aswell. infact theres no need to ever leave my house! (apart from after your poi arrive, unless u want a smashed light that is)
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