Leather trousers, any to avoid??

6 Sep 2008
Near Hull
I normally just ride in jeans but after a friends recent crash i feel i need a bit better protection.
Im looking at rst leather trousers but they're only £100, im not too clued up on leather but to me that seems cheap. Would there be a problem with rst leathers as they should be made in o a certain standard?
Half the bsb paddock is in RST its not bad.

Generally the difference in leathers isnt their crashability but durability. Some will crash once and be done (Seen it a lot with arlen ness) while others will just scuff a bit and be grand for another 10 slides lol.

As for leathers to avoid- chaps! lol
Well, i ended up buying some rst yesterday and they're actually a really nice fit. I do seem to have one issue now, i got spada predator boots when i did my test (fairly cheap as boots were needed) and they don't want to fasten properly over the leathers. Is this a common issue or just because of these boots?? I'm going to look at some sidi boots later as they have a buckle instead of velcro.
I always wear mine over the top, a certain motogp rider does the same apparently:

Surely it depends on the boot! And also the size of your calf! And the radius of your trouser leg!

The above are some variables. I hope you enjoy them :).
I think i just need to use the boots a bit more, theyre starting to feel alright a bit today. The trousers seem excellent and are really comfortable so no real problems now.
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