Leeds meet thread **19th Feb**

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Originally posted by anewbe4u
Its the day of my birthday!
Get yourself on the list then!
Originally posted by Otacon
Cheap :p

Anyone booked into a hotel yet?

Gilly -> of those three you posted which one is closest to the venue??? (the stumbling distance factor :) )
We don't really have a venue. We're a taxi ride from where we'll probably be through the day, and then a taxi back into town (but obviously people can do what they would like, they don't have to all conform to my plans).

Depends what club we go to, but the Queens hotel is directly above the train station so anyone turning up that way is advised to stay there :)
Originally posted by BurningHorizons
Has a date been set for this yet?
Oops, must read thread title! **19th**
Originally posted by HumanShield
what time do these things usually finish?! as ilive in the next city, no need to get a hotel when im a 10minute train journey away!
Last time was 4am :)

Good luck getting a train dude ;)
Originally posted by Trojan
That all so far? Bugger. Was hoping to meet a few more folk what with it being my first OcUK meet. Ah well, should still be a top night :D
There'll be more by then. At least 2 more have promised me they're coming.
Originally posted by Desmo
Just registering my interest in this guys. Might be a bit tight for me as I'm boarding in France the week before but if I get myself sorted and room booked with you lot then I can't see it being a major problem. I'll do a complete thread read at work tomorrow to see all the details :)
Good laaaaad :D

We'll show you how the northerners party ;)
MY HOTEL IS BOOKED It is the Hilton after all.

I booked it through superbreaks and got it for £80, but you can get that price direct. Don't know how long for.

This price is halved if you share with someone (the price is for a twin room) :)

The Queens hotel is available for £20 less and is just around the corner, but you don't get breakfast or a pool/sauna/etd in with that.

Originally posted by Worthy

I'll let you know by the end of the week. Am I alright bringing a mate in case you're all boring? ;)
Damn right :)

(we know its really cos you're shy)

List of attendees:

BrenOS (probably)
Chopper Dave (probably)
Dangerous (probably)
DRZ (maybe)
So its gone from 100% and a promise you won't miss it to a 95% and you'll have to ask? Davey boy, I'm disappointed in you :p

BrenOS (probably)
Chopper Dave (probably)
Dangerous (probably)
DRZ (maybe)
Davey_Pitch (gets a kicking if he doesn't show :p)
Originally posted by Davey_Pitch
I'm just being cautious and making sure the gf doesn't have anything planned that weekend, what with it being Valentine's Day the week previous. As much as I would hate the abuse I'd get if I didn't show, I'd hate the lack of sex for going against her wishes even more :p
Bah, why do you think we're bringing Jono? :D

Let me know dude :)
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