---Left 4 Dead 2 Thread---

I still prefer the first over thr second, but on the 360 it still holds some of that best gaming memories of my twenties.
Same. I always felt the feel of the first was much better than the second, coupled with the fact I didn't really like the new specials, the characters weren't as good IMO and I didn't think much of melee. Not that 2 was a bad game - it was good. I just thought 1 was a great game.

Plus we'd modded 1 to have slightly harder specials with some 'extras'
  • smokers had a longer reach, bit faster pull and caused tick damage in the smoke
  • boomer explosion did damage
  • hunters had an increased max pounce damage.
  • Bigger swarms IIRC
Not sure we modded the tank/witch. Probably made them a bit tougher. So yea, we had a great time on one.
I regularly played vs - got quite good. The community was amazing, but it is now very toxic. I stopped playing for a little while, but then stumbled across this group:

The guy running this is awesome, all about the player. Admins are good and the player community is great with a lot of regulars. 3 servers, one dedicated to Tank Challenge and Playground, one standard campaigns and the other they play custom maps.

a_sweet_llittle_girl - if you see me on there, say hi and we will look after you :)

Join usssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!
I requested to join!

I much rather prefer L4D1 than 2 and it had some of my most fun gaming memories playing with aaK clan, we literally were on of the best clans in the game and won the league a couple of times in L4D2.

Unfortunately we stopped playing it because our friend DanShields cat died and he couldn't get over it. Sad times.
I loved Vs in the original, it just didn't hit the same in the second. Spitter and jockey just weren't that fun to play imo. I did really enjoy scavenger though, especially on the mall map. Nothing tops dragging someone out of the lift in No Mercy with a Smoker just before the doors closed though, it was peak L4D.
I loved Vs in the original, it just didn't hit the same in the second. Spitter and jockey just weren't that fun to play imo. I did really enjoy scavenger though, especially on the mall map. Nothing tops dragging someone out of the lift in No Mercy with a Smoker just before the doors closed though, it was peak L4D.

Jockey was great in closed maps, ie Dead Center - you could easily walk a survivor off a ledge to instakill, but open maps Jockey wasn't the best - survivors could easily kill you. Spitter was awesome! If you had a good team a charger/hunter and spitter combo could down a survivor quickly. And on Dead Center was great fun spitting on the cans survivors had took ages to stockpile by the car in the finale - muhahahaha!!
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