Left handers rejoice!

I also mouse left-handed, but it would appear with this small cross-section of users we're a minority, aye.

It's not just the matter of which hand, of course. For instance, I have an MX900 sitting here doing absolutely nothing - a device useless to me, yet one that I had no choice but to pay for in order to own a diNovo.

It would be nice to discover that for a suitable upgrade charge I could redeem it for one of these new lefties. Slim-to-none on that one, though, realistically speaking.
I got used to using my MX700 with my left hand, felt comfortable enough, didn't change the buttons configuration either, using my middle finger to click and my wedding ring finger to do the back/forward buttons on the side.

Although this said I do find my new Razer diamondback a tiny bit more comfy, just wish it didn't have the cable.
Mr Mister said:
bet they will be twice the price of a right handed equivalent because they will be made in smaller numbers

If it's identical bar the shape then the chances are it won't be much more to make as many (most?) of the internals will probably be identical to the "normal" version (especially if they've made the normal one with this in mind).
The bigger problem will be getting retailers to stock it, rather than have it as an "available in 2-5 days" type item.

Didn't Logitech do a left handed mouse before? (going back a while), although not cordless.
As a left hander I can honestly say I'd be all over the place with a left handed mouse. Using your right hand free's up the lightening fast reactions of the left hand for keyboard button pressing.
I'm a leftie too - but never used a mouse in my left hand. But that's been purely down to the fact I've never found any decent ones in the shops, and when I first discovered pc's, they all had right-handed mice, and that's just what I've grown up with and got used to.

I have always used Logitech though, but even then I probably won't ever buy one of these. At least now there's a choice! :)
I forced myself to use my right hand for mousing, in order to use my MX700. Up until then, I'd been having loads of fun mousing with my left hand, on subpar symetrical mice. Pretty much all kb/mouse sets came with right handed mice, so they were out of the question.

The time come, I saw the Cordless Desktop MX for £40, bought it, and forced my right hand to mouse! Pretty good at it now, although I don't play FPS atm, although I intend to :)
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