Legal to exceed speed limit exception?

It's possible.
Pure luck on who you end up dealing with though, it's not a given.

There was the opposite in Wolves a few years ago when they started camera monitoring the bus lanes near the hospital, loads of people appealed and they all got told where to go.
It's possible.
Its possible of course, but that is bus lane not red light. The idea being an ambulance is big and noisy and flashing lights can proceed without other road users potentially created more hazards. I guess to get the 'common sense' result it may end up in court, much hassle.
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Pure luck on who you end up dealing with though, it's not a given.

Its possible of course, but that is bus lane not red light.

I think the discussion is getting a bit mixed up here, the thread was about speeding and there was also talk of bus lanes and red lights.

However, with regards to red lights then:
Highway Code Rule 219
If you do cross the stop line at the junction whilst the lights are on red, you will commit the offence of contravening a red traffic light. It's important to remember that in committing the offence (crossing the stop line) the onus will be on you to provide evidence that you did so to allow an emergency vehicle through. That may be considered as mitigation, but there is no guarantee that it will be. If the police decide to prosecute you for the offence and you choose to challenge that decision, it will ultimately be a matter for a court to decide.

So, as I said, it's possible. Obviously no guarantees though.
Yeah tahts why they'll turn off their sirens when they get to stuff like road works so people don't panic and try and go faster or jump the lights.

Just drive normally and look for a safe place to let them pass

This is what they should do. In reality they don't always do so.
Fun fact, even though they are an emergency service the Coastguard can travel on blue lights and sirens but are not permitted to go through red lights or exceed the permitted speed limits
Fun fact, even though they are an emergency service the Coastguard can travel on blue lights and sirens but are not permitted to go through red lights or exceed the permitted speed limits
Fun fact. Doctors and Vets can have flashing green lights on their cars but doesnt give them any powers to break any road rules. its just to make the public aware and invite them to move out of their way.
Ever since people started getting fined by cameras for letting police/ambulances through in certain places (lights, bus lanes), I see a lot less willing to budge now. Especially box junctions in London where you get sent a fine for being 1mm over it

Police can get people to move but they need to actually out and direct traffic.

The laws probably need updating.
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I remember reading in a German newspaper (das Bild ) about an air ambulance (helicopter )got a speeding ticket when flying low over a road, this was back in the 70's
I once went in to a bus lane to let a waaaawaaaa past and got stiffed, now their clients can die as far as I'm concerned.

Or I'll come to the hospital and claim my £65.

With interest.

And nectar points.
So you stopped the ambulance from using the often clear bus lane.
Devils advocate, But thats how they see it
The implementation of law is often petty. In the USA, it is illegal to break a red light and you might even get a ticket if you are moving out the way of an emergency vehicle that hasn't flicked the lights to green. Common sense and common sense exceptions often don't apply unless you have a sensible judge that isn't more interested in getting the county you're in more money.
I have previously driven at excess speed in order to get out of the way of a marked ARV on B&2s. dual carriageway, barriered down to one lane for overnight works, nowhere to pulled over to so I gunned in. 93 in a 50 till I was able to clear the works, moved over and the ARV tooted his horns and sped off.

That was around 16 months ago and I've had no NIP or other contact so I'm guessing I'm safe.

The implementation of law is often petty. In the USA, it is illegal to break a red light and you might even get a ticket if you are moving out the way of an emergency vehicle that hasn't flicked the lights to green. Common sense and common sense exceptions often don't apply unless you have a sensible judge that isn't more interested in getting the county you're in more money.

Our petty local governments won't allow ESVs to override traffic signals
So you stopped the ambulance from using the often clear bus lane.
Devils advocate, But thats how they see it

That's why they tailgate you for having the audacity to stick to your lane at the speed limit even though there's a perfectly clear bus lane to the left then is it? :cry:
I very much doubt you’d get booked by a policeman in person for moving out the way. Traffic camera though.
You wouldn’t.. in fact.. I’m very confident in the right circumstances we would overtake after you have sped up to allow us past and you’d get a thumbs up!
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