LEGO Star Wars 2 demo out!

Anyone having problems starting it? I remember having problems with the first one. Isn't the refresh rate issue I thought it was.

Screen goes black, loads for a few seconds, then 1 sec of the opening music and then crash to desktop with general error about the exe.

dave2k2005 said:
My one was quite smooth and I quite enjoyed it tbh. Its a bit more freeform than the first one eg. you can jump into an At or your speeder vehicle thing anytime you want. Also, there are more of the fun building puzzles and less of the combat which is a good thing. I got up to the part where robots can't pass, anyone know how to get past it?

In this demo, you can be ben Kenobi, Luke Skywalker, R2 D2 or C3P0. You can drive your own speeder car thingymajig and oyu also have to build an AT walker thing :p Overall, I think its great fun and better than the first one!

You can also unlock some other people, as well as when you finish the game in free roam can be aload more.

To do that bit see below (highlight it)

Switch to luke, then shoot them with your gun
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Just finished the demo, very amusing!!! Dont think ill buy straight away as its kind of a kids game that i wouldnt find very fufilling.

Downloading now (334Kb/sec stable.. My parent's connection is 4 times faster than mine!! So unfair!)

Anyway, I thought the first game was fantastic fun! I had it on the PS2 not the PC but it was brilliant on that, a great comedy game to play through.
Ive played the first one, in virgin megastores quite a while ago, but i liked that was a great laugh, liked the fact you had unlimited lives.

I thought this was pretty fun, enjoyed it more as it was the actual trilogy but would be a great laugh 2 player. Il probably buy it.
I'm stuck at where i have to get C3P0 and R2 past that purple force field, but Obi-wan and Luke can pass? :confused: :o
i just had a quick go on it and i am a bit lost to be quite honest. i don't really know what i am supposed to be doing. I have built a few things and managed to move the stairs about etc.
I think i need to spend more time with it, it looks like it could be quite a good game. Once i know the abilities of the 4 characters it might help some what.
Well spotted and thanks O.P. :cool:

BTW getting 300plus from the Greek link ;)

Download complete. Wooohooooo.
I hope i never grow up. :p
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