Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga

23 Mar 2004

Anyone playing this?

I pre-ordered physical version, normally wait for reviews on release but saw lots of hands on previews and was nailed on to at least be pretty decent. Plus I got the PS5 version for only £36.

Reviews seem very positive, I've not had chance to play as away this week, looking forward to trying this in co-op with my kids at the weekend.
Yes, got it on Tuesday and played the story for the first 3, episodes 4, 5 & 6 so far. It is huge!

Not sure I like the camera being so close to the character though, much more used to the older Lego games.

So far I love it, the graphics are really detailed, where you can see the mould marks on the characters pieces :)
I'm surprised there wasn't a thread already. I went for the psn version so I got ripped off:cry:. I'm enjoying it as well as the kids. The mrs is sulking as she's too busy with some extra learning to play:p.
INstalled from Steam last night and played a bit today with an Xbox controller on my PC. This is actually quite good and I can see myself completing all nine movies then coming back for free play and trying to 100% it all. :)
I'm finding it very different to the normal lego games, at the moment although I'm enjoying it, I'm not a fan of this very close over the shoulder gameplay. I much prefer the older engine. But the game is fun all the same, it's absolutely massive, I'm actually finding it quite overwhelming at the sheer scale of everything. And it's absolutely gorgeous to boot, so simple but the lighting and detail in 4k with HDR is fantastic.
Been playing on PS4 Pro since Thursday. It's fantastic and I love the 3rd person camera this time. Feel more immersive. So much to collect and find but I plan on getting to 100%.

Started with 4. Then went to 1,2 and currently on 3. About 53% complete on the episodes I've played through.

I hope they fix the issue with the Deluxe edition codes not working. Only unlocked the classic pack. I've seen many others with the same issue.
I started out. 1 as I like to do it chronologically. I found there's some weird autosteer going on when you do the podracer mission, actually made it quite difficult.
Played all the Lego games with my 8 year son and this hasn't clicked with either of us yet. We started with Phantom Menace are we must be 2/3 of the way Attack of Clones.

I'm enjoying it, but there is something about it I'm not keen on, looks amazeballs. I much preferred DC Villains, up to now at least.
Played through Ep1-3 and just started 4, agree the actual missions are short but the areas are big, if you try to get all the blocks etc

The missions have free play potential as well to get all the mini kits. Im about 80% complete through the first 3 episodes and have to be around 20 hours game time.
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