Lego : ???????? What movie/game series would you love to see in Lego format.

Film wise the only one I can see working is the LOTR trilogy. The matrix doesnt have enough settings to make a game.

The star wars and Indy ones have split each film down into 6 scenes. I dont see enough meat in the matrix and Alien to be able to do that. Plus the settings would be the same.

Then again it will be interesting to see how they do batman and not make it too repetitive but have along enough game.

Indy is longer that star wars without the repetitive replaying.
Lego Ronin!
Lego F.E.A.R
Lego Farscape (i'm just thinking that series although bad would have plenty of set peices and action to expand upon)
Lego Morrowind

Can't think of anymore for now, but this kind of idea spammy thread will end up with some real corkers.
are you being sarcasmic ? :D

No! I did a little sex wee when I thought about playing such a game.

Lego BTTF could work because it doesn't really have to live up to the expectations of the fan base (read: anybody over 20) as if a Lego game is actually crap and nothing like the film, it will be forgiven since they're all kind of parodies anyway. :D

Lego co-op hoverboard/delorean missions, yes please! :D
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