Lemans: the final countdown

andyfield said:
We stayed just by the roundabout, it all got a bit crazy and we thought the S2000 was going to kill someone so called it a day.

If it's the S2000 I'm, thinking of, the driver was an utter prat who was part of a bunch of PistonHead members camped right next to us in Beausejour. He was doing donuts next to the tents, but fortunately managed to burn out his clutch when he moved to the roads outside.

Still, was a great trip and really enjoyed myself, though I can say that Elise seats are really not that comfortable after 500 miles or so :D We all got up yesterday a bit late with a hangover, so after throwing all the stuff in the cars had to "make considerable progress" on the autoroute to get the SpeedCat Ferry in Boulogne. A bunch of Astons passed us like we were going backwards though, and that was at an indicated 120...
Whoa, awesome week away! Got back late last night. Race was great, spoiled a bit by the whole Audi promo thing taking the whole circuit over but otherwise awesome. Privateer team Pescarolo came VERY close behind the lead Audi despite having 250hp less and running on less than a tenth of the Audi's 70,000,000 Euro budget (yes that's seventy million) so nearly spoiled their weekend!

Had my bike and a motorised scooter nicked but spotted the bike on someone else's campsite and ended up with 17 of us, angry and baying for a ruck going over to 'liberate' our belongings. Turned out the bike had just been dumped there and there was a hole in the fence where scum were breaking in and theiving.

Spotted Cassius Clarke setting up camp with a lack of beer crisis. Serious set of Porsches on his camp :eek:

I got no pictures at all but I'm rounding some up and a video of the pulsejet scooter running in the campsite. Awesome noise and a crowd of about 100 people standing in a circle watching :D
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Del Lardo said:
James, something like a quad could be suitable for next year. No idea what your disability is but it's something you can sit on and is certainly more suitable that a goped/bike.

cerebal palsy so effects my ability to walk quite badly.

I was thinking of a quad but they are quite wide. Not sure if they would have the ability to nip in and out the traffic like the Mini moto things most people were using this year, but a quad is something im considering for next year :)
James_N said:
cerebal palsy so effects my ability to walk quite badly.
Yeah I can see that being a problem at lemans since everywhere is a long walk :( One of the guys on my camp had a petrol scooter with a low seat on it that would definitely get you around well if you are able to put your feet down and hold yourself up when stationary. They weigh about 20kg and all the weight is at the bottom, cost about £150. The only thing is a tank of gas doesn't get you very far and it's a pullstart.
Del Lardo said:
Did you see the MX-5 that missed a kid by about an inch? Certainly not somewhere I would let any child of mine near.

As a random thought are any Le Mans people finding that their sleep is totally weird. I couldn't get to sleep last night till about 3am as I was listening out for the noise of fireworks and cars and then slept for 14 hours straight!!! Tried sleeping tonight and I can't despite being totally knackered. Guess that hardly sleeping for 5 days will mess you up a bit.

Luckily I missed that, I was stood on the rocks by the toilet block at haux annex as I didn't trust the drivers... With everyone throwing so much water around the roundabout was a nightmare I imagine, that and lots of broken glass on the road. There were some real idiots there, some of the comments I heard from middle aged people were stupid. Don't think the footy helped as everyone had been on the beers for many many hours!

Yup my sleep was all over the show, despite only getting 2 hours sleep on one night and about 4 on another, I couldn't sleep till 1.30 last night then woke up well after mid day today! I did notice the complete lack of noise when I got home and was expecting rockets and mortars to be going off whilst asleep. Very surreal place that camp site!

Yup those Astons were sure shifting, we were sat between 100-130 most of the time and they caught us up with little issue....
Jonny69 said:
Spotted Cassius Clarke setting up camp with a lack of beer crisis. Serious set of Porsches on his camp :eek:

Nice to meet you Jonny sorry for the quick escape as you saw we ran out of beer and had to get to carrefor for some supplies.

and I was in the middle of planning a stunt on one of the guys who had gone to sleep in one of the tents :) (pics to follow)

you should have asked for a blat round the roundabouts, I was going that way anyways :D

the Lemon Ring 6000 was an absolute blast, went from lemans to Reims then to Luxembourg then to the ring for 4 days where we stayed in a mates 12 bedroom mansion in 5 km of land, ill email you some pics once uploaded only got back last night.

best part of the trip was 295 kmh down the n138, the gemballa did me proud, I had F40 F50 Lambo diablo GT-SV couple of corvettes and several other 911's inc GT3CS and 996&993 Turbo's.

o and I also got away from a Gixser 1000 on the A28, only just like but he was staying with us, just.

met sabine schmit and beat all the other cars on the ring, we also ran into a little bother with the cheese eating surrender monkey french plod . . . . . . .

luckily they didnt see us speeding, we were doing 90kmh and they said we were going too slow for 911's and we must go faster :D luckily they didnt see our 3 lane gear challenge only 10 seconds before where I finished it off by undertaking 3 cars and then a tanker using the hard shoulder as I blasted away from the pack :D

Im going to the ring again end of august there is 26 spaces but only 20 are availible, if you want to come along let me know.

Del Lardo said:
Cassius, it sounds like you were very badly behaved whilst you were in France. Good boy ;) :p :D

the trip to lemans will be remebered forever by all who whitnessed, had a very close near death experience with a HGV head on.. .. .. .. .. was a little too close but we got away with no scratches or injuries.

next year i think ill spend all thursday flying up and down the N138 TBH, was an absolute hoot challenging all the supercars till they let off.
Heheheh, sounds like my first year down there. Near death experience in a Lotus Elise, heavily filled pants etc, 3-car across undertaking in hard shoulder, but you only live once eh?

And there's no way the French police would ever catch you in those knackered old Citroens anyway :D
is that insane go-kart / ride of death still at the fair ground?
we spent a lot of time on it when i was there, absolute carnage - not help by virtualy all the victims / riders having heroic amounts of frances finest inside i suppose :p
Jonny69 said:
And there's no way the French police would ever catch you in those knackered old Citroens anyway :D

the french rounded up 300 subaru's from across the country apprently just for the weekend, the papers where slagging of the "porschists" hooning around from UK.

quote of the day on thursday from me was "Rich, look at that wierd blue scooby with a mad air vent on the roof coming up behind"

rich said "its the coppers you tool"


(but luckily in a que of traffic waiting to turn of doing about 10kph at the time)
Scamming French copper gits!

Dead Dog, nah the fairground was gone this year to make space for a concert arena. What? There's a race going on for gawds sake, what do we need crappy live French music for? The other fairground that used to be inside the circuit is now down by the start/finish line but no sign of the killer gokart track. Shame, that used to provide me with ages of entertainment along with the spinning barrel with all the drunk guys trying to walk through it :D
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