Lens calibration - send the body too?

Finally got round to testing it again today. At 200mm, the sharpest adjustment is now around -9, so much the same, but at 70mm it's now -7, so much more uniform across the range and I can now easily adjust my body to it :)
Yes, just make sure to really follow the instructions and take a very methodical approach combined with real world testing. Also be aware that different focal points can have different errors, some lens have a strong field curvature such that the outerw edges are at a different focal length compared to the center. Using live view to verify focus vs other issues is handy.

One thing to be careful of is that you will get a different focus distance if you go from close to far vs far to close focus. Test both ways and find a middle ground.
Be very careful to get things aligned as well, a few degrees error in rotation can res,t kana visible focus issue that is not a real focus problem.

Thanks for this. Shame there's no +1 buttons. The Canon EF-S 18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS sharpest part seems to have came in about -8 but will test again tomorrow.

I can't get over the Spydercal for a bit of plastic is £50 - £60.
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