Lens Help MFT

23 Sep 2005
I have a Lumix G7 with the 14-42 (f3.5-f5.6) kit lens.

I'm looking for a new lens, maybe upto about £200-£250 (used or new is OK). I take a variety of pictures+4k video primarily of my kids and days out etc. The kit lens is OK but very hard to use indoors even wide open.

Any recommendations?
Thanks. I guess I would probably prefer the faster lens if possible, one less bit of stuff to carry about (I know a flash isn't much), and the faster lens might improve stuff outdoors too...
I'm a bit confused now as to what I should go for (bearing in mind I do shoot a bit of 4k video)... a flash gun (which one??) with a video light, or a faster prime lens?
Panasonic H-H025E-K 25 mm/F1.7 ASPH Lens
Nissin i40 (MFT)

I can get both of them for my budget - seem OK?
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