Lens test?

my point is tht the forum seems to have lost the creative edge and now is more and more aimed at people that are into computing that have just got thier first camera.

I remember the days of posts with a great range of topics. characters like MrK and such like...now we get more shots of teddy bears and the type od question that can be found in 3 clicks in google.

just that 15 seconds for a lens test is just funny.

sure i'll compose some things for a faq, may be a helpful expercise
Lostkat said:
I would hate to be on a forum where you get flack and rolleyes for asking a "silly" question.

True, but I think we should have a consistent and accurate response to commonly asked newbie type questions would be useful - then we wouldn't spend time arguing and stating the same opinions about similar questions that crop up.
Then submit to the FAQ. I would be only too happy to add stuff to the wealth of already useful information on there :)
morgan said:
my point is tht the forum seems to have lost the creative edge and now is more and more aimed at people that are into computing that have just got thier first camera.

I remember the days of posts with a great range of topics. characters like MrK and such like...now we get more shots of teddy bears and the type od question that can be found in 3 clicks in google.

just that 15 seconds for a lens test is just funny.

well now i understand why you find 15 secs exposure funny as a way to compare lenses - and i will probably look back in a while and laugh about it too
and i could have looked on google but as i read this forum daily i preferred to ask here as most people here know their stuff
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