Would you rather live without freedom or not live at all?
Me personally? Live without - At least then you're still alive and have the opportunity to make changes later on.
Would you rather enslave ~6 billion people or cull that many instead?
That's the vast majority of the planet, innit. Does it need to be that many?
I've no problem with the former, as most of us are already slaves to so many things, but the latter is a lot of bodies to deal with... and the more of those we make, the fewer left to handle the subsequent clean-up.
Also, it depends why they are being enslaved. If it's so they can remain living, productive members of society, then shackle them up and plug them in. If it's just because they'd otherwise act like complete ***** and spoil it for the rest of humanity, then maybe just burn them. We'll find ways to fly this planet on a skeleton crew.
Ideally you want people who voluntarily care about each other and about the world they live in.
Of course!
That would be fantastic... But they were already given that freedom of choice and instead chose to **** it all away and **** themselves over, just so they could go chomp on some Big Macs.
But failing that (fantasy), would you rather enslave the global population or cull it?
As above - Keep them if they can be of use, otherwise start reducing the numbers until they change their tune, but failing that then keep going until the problem becomes more managable.
Forcing people to live enslaved doesn't really help anyone. Not the people, not the planet. It's not really ethical or moral by any standard.
Letting them run free resulted in many species going extinct, and that was long before we had such a massive consumerist population vying for all the industrial resources.
Letting them run free creates so many problems, for the rest of humanity, for the environment, for everything in existence probably - THAT is even more unethical, immoral, irresponsible and just begging for an alien race to come stomp us out.
You could make a case for (Thanos style) mass culling tho. What do you think?
I think I'd need to watch the film(s) before I could respond to that specific question.
e: Before the usual suspects pipe up, imagine a virus that impartially killed 9/10 people. Not targeted along racial or religious grounds or anything like that. Just a totally impartial culling (theoretical). And in the context of the alternative being lifelong slavery instead.[/QUOTE]