Letdown and question MMO

17 Mar 2005
Hi , i planned on progaming my way through the first year of university in which i start late september , but apprently aoc is now set back to late march , so im going to need to find another MMO , anyone recommend a good MMO that will be releasing soon or before end of october etc?
First year of university and you want to spend it in front of a computer screen!!???

Seriously, go out, drink some beer, meet some new people and have a laugh.
R34P3R said:
Played it? If no you can't really comment can you.

Just because it isn't to your tastes doesn't mean it sucks.

I've played the beta of tabula rasa, although as a beta things wont be polished or fully completed i would have to agree that it does indeed suck.
Sinque said:
Warhammer is out pretty soon I hear?

2008 now.

The only new one releasing any time soon is Tabula Rasa, or you could give Sword of the new World a try, that's free to play up to level 20 but isn't really standard MMO, it's still fun though.
LOL @ how people assume because he wants an MMO, he has no life :p

You can do both, you know - I used to blow practically all my cash in pubs and bars at Uni, but I still had time for the odd game!
I assumed that when he said 'progaming' he meant investing a significant portion of his time in to a MMORPG in an attempt to make real £ from selling things in the game... I think this will require a large time investment rather than just the 'odd game'

OK, so you may make a little money but you'll never get your first year at uni back.
pre1twa said:
I assumed that when he said 'progaming' he meant investing a significant portion of his time in to a MMORPG in an attempt to make real £ from selling things in the game... I think this will require a large time investment rather than just the 'odd game'
I thought he was enrolled in a programming course and had misspelt it... :confused:
But yeah, MMOs are for people in their 5th+ year at university, first years are meant to be outdoors being idiots.
he could always buy a bot and sell the gold to ige.com. don't forget to declair your earnings to the taxman tho guys.
Pirates of the Burning Sea is *supposed* to be out pretty soon and looks very good indeed.

Yes Tabula Rasa does suck wang.
try real life MMO, its got more players than any server of any other MMO, and its fully interactive and realistic, and when you're at university its FUN FUN FUN
peetee said:
try real life MMO, its got more players than any server of any other MMO, and its fully interactive and realistic, and when you're at university its FUN FUN FUN
But it doesn't have a built-in chat client so you can talk to your guildies while farming!!!! :D
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