Let's generalise and have a dig

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15 Mar 2005
I am everywhere...
Im at work bored - no students and nothing to do. I dont even know why i have to come to work every this time of the year. Anyway since im dead bored, I suddenly have an idea in my head that could make things fun..... :eek:

Let's put all the generalisation about a group, race, person or people in here and lets see how far we would go....Im sure it would lead somewhere interesting. This is some sort of social and forum experiment to see how much racism we have in us or something along those lines Please dont join in if you are easily offended.... So here -

1. Black people cant swin (It is because their manhood is so big it serves as an achor...woot! Take that white man)

2. Indians and Pakistanis smell of curry and garlic fact.

3. Muslims are terrorist, Nigerians are scammers, white men cant jump, Blame it all on the poles.

4.All jamaicans and carribeans are yardies and drug dealers.

...Im out but you can help gimme some more. :D
droolinggimp said:
Yeah it is a good way of getting things off our chest with out actualy upsetting people. Not saying im a racist or anything, I mean I wouldnt say any of this to people in person. Its just how we all think.

The truth is we are all racist no other way about it. We just know what to say infront of people and conduct ourselves in society so as not to appear racist but deep down we all are. Anyone remember that commentator geeza who lost his cool on tv by shouting the word ******? He forgot his mic was still on....Days later he comes out to say how he isnt racist and have black friends.....Now anyone who use that line of haivng a friend from another race when accused of being racist is....well racist.
droolinggimp said:
Yeah I see your point there. I dont think we should call oursleves racist because of the things we all have mentioned on here. I mean I have nothing at all against blacks, chinese etc but I wouldnt for the life of me go out of my way to say anything horrible to them..

Like you said in the OP its all a generalisation which can point to my missus and that course she went on.

Im not saying we should on the basis of the things posted in here. Subliminaly we all racist is what am saying.

Im sure you aint racist but if i cut you of in the middle of the road while you are driving, you are more likely to curse me while in your car with something that is racial.....I do it and i guess it bring out the racism in me but im not racist....Dunno if my own post even make sense or you see the picture of what im trying to paint.
iCraig said:
..because blacks aren't clever enough to carry them out.

Yet we do drive bys, kill cops, rap about it and make moeny off it...How clever can we get? At least we aint loners killing our women...we beat them and bitchslap them instead. Do you just wanna be a brother... :D
benneh said:

I didnt say i was racist but im saying we are all subliminal racist and have the potential to be....I dunno about you but i see a difference when i see a white man (he has a white skin), an indian guy (he smells of curry), a chinese woman (she cant say fried rice)...lol.
El Gringo said:
I, logically, disagree with what I'm is saying, because I is Well Known to spout rubbish. It is known.
Fixxored. :rolleyes:

El Gringo said:
Honestly, and seriously, I don't agree with your image at all and I don't believe that "everybody is racist", whether they know it or not.

And im the one who is suppose to spout rubbish...I dont expect you or anyone to agree with me. It is well known that we are all subliminaly racist. Check out what droolinggimp said about the class his Gf attends or something along those lines. From your first post in this thread and now this...aint no surprise really with your stance.

El Gringo said:
The swearwords might follow the descriptives because they are normally "commonly" paired in the public domain, you're just saying something you've heard without it having any meaning to you yourself.

And i guess the association of certain words with certain race as a result of public domain influence dosent make it so? (racist)...Im speechless. Are you saying to me you say some things you hear without even know what it mean in terms of racial curse word? If so, then you are what i think you are.

Either you have a problem accepting that we are all racist subliminaly, have the potential to be so or you are in-denial...
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droolinggimp said:
We are on the same wavelength here.. dont let it break up..:p .

I make friends and enemies as i go.. :)

droolinggimp said:
I still see your point. Ill deffo get my missus on here when she gets back from work she could have a few thing to say.

Please do that if you can.

Let me ask you and those who disagree with me this question - Why insult somebody on the basis of their skin colour (as explained by you) if we aint potentially racist?

In my opinion, this issue can be likened to a known situation in psychology where every man is a potential killer.
El Gringo said:
But see, that's what I'm trying to address. Is it necessarily insult? I've been arguing on the basis that calling someone black, fat, white or green isn't necessarily in an insulting manner but in a descriptive one. Who decided that it was in an insulting manner?

I meant insult in a racial way, i.e calling someone names or what not on the basis of race...Are you saying using the word ****** against a black man is not insultive rather descriptive?
El Gringo said:
No, I didn't imply that anywhere. But "******" is a completely different area, as might now be "****", and you know that.
Is calling a black person "black", not the same as calling a white person "white", a fat person "fat" or a smelly person "smelly"? As Mat said, it depends entirely on the contect in which it is used, which your post illustrates.

This is what i was trying to say all along....I guess we was coming from different sides. Again depending on how disguised this "descriptive insults" are the recepient might take it as been racial insult. I guess this is moving off thread topic now.

I would still like to hear people's view on what i said as per "we are all potential racist" .
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