Once upon a time there were three little moderators who nobody liked because they were overgrown elephant famers with very large lungs. He bellowed, "Where are my man boobs? They chaff a little. Now there's just deep sweaty sores on my leftmanboob that itch because they are spam spam spam, which is nice or maybe not, but who knows...in the gob...
"Look!" said Ned, "I'm a gay! Who'd of thought?"
Have*, you noob - he denied it then slapped himself with a ****. Then he thought about more cocks. "I'm a gay!" He wondered why Masslac is homosexual, and Biohazard too.
I smell poo coming from over the poo farm, and his **** is covered in dirty great sores like it had been chewed up by one of the gay cats which infested the Bernard Matthews factory. The turkeys went to the airport to get sticky with treacle pies and played Pokeman on their big green Teletubby hill with Tinky's winky; it suddenly spurted all over the enormous, intelligent rabbit. The rabbit said, "Go for it, but very slowly, or you die or turn gay."
Antidisestablishmentarianism, pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism radioimmunoelectrophoresis are three words used by gays, and raptor mages are well gay fantasiseing about staffs and large turbans licking creamy yogurt off cartoon monkey's massive pieces of overly large sausages made from human third limbs, and cute little kittens overclocked their rigs so their PSUs were actually hipers that couldn't stop making massive fireballs out their ****. These were used to eat cheese and big crackers.
Then it ended, when he turned into a fish, a fish called Wanda went to the supermarket and terminated John with irregular sized mushrooms and pointy bananas, and then went Sarah Connor hunting with a cabbage that can talk like Arnold Schwarzenegger. "Billy! Com'on!!!" Said yor mum whilst drinking urine and tap dancing to the sound of the underground trains whilst masturbating to jazz music. Finger my ring donut then swallow down my hot piping schlong of flesh eating mice. Three blind mice see how they vomit, causing haemorrhaging that resembled carrots, watching a lemonparty consume diet coke.
Once upon a nightmare before christmas, Bush and Blair, pair of ***** went to Iraq and made love in the sand. "Yum yum parsnips." said the cook, scratching his arse, squashing a winnet. Suddenly he jumped off a cliff performing double pike into a vat of steaming poo, then he cried, "Where's the cheese?"
Then Clangers attacked the local bike. Solar powered sheep from Wales were keyboard wielding midgets strapped to their red belt buckles. Scuzi and Yewen embraced in a bubble bath together in the nude caressing both their banhammers with mighty evil grins upon their shrunken heads, their tempestuous faces changed into a, a loving glance, filled with Romanticism eroticism, hornily they grabbed a salami from each other's pockets and blighter and KizZ started necking furiously without warming himself up. Blighter's cold hands were actually warm and so were his inner thighs, which were wet with blood. Linoge laughed at blighter because he has a great big yellow fang tooth pair of tweezers to pluck out his armpit hair whilst he is eating baked beans in a huge orange rusty bucket using a penis shaped loofer to scratch his hairy bean bags, but he impaled himself on his own wang and screamed, "I love this!"
Diminished postcount importance. Mulder's investigation had yet to query......
That's how it reads so far....