Lets talk about Time

But is the concept of "The future" not entirely dependent on our own concept of time?

I've seen back to the future. Illuminati confirmed.
Fluctuations in the space time continuum. We need to reverse the polarity and focus a tachyon beam into the anomaly.
I thought it was Eddies in the space time continuum. With his sofa.

Anyway, we are off topic.
Make it so.
How we measure time and labelling it as 'time' is a human concept yes, but time in itself, as say a period (ongoing or with a clear beginning and end) is clearly existent regardless of us humans. I don't know why people struggle with that idea :p
time is real in the sense that the process of entropy is occurring and can be recorded by a unit of measurement. Calling it "time" and attributing it a unit of measure is a human construct, the process is not

How we measure time and labelling it as 'time' is a human concept yes, but time in itself, as say a period (ongoing or with a clear beginning and end) is clearly existent regardless of us humans. I don't know why people struggle with that idea :p

Yeah I don't really understand why this confuses people. Am i right in thinking that without time, nothing would even be able to move? As in, for something to travel from A to B, it has to move through both space and time. (hence the term spacetime!)

If time didn't exist outside of a concept then humans would not have been able to evolved to give it a label for a start.
The division of time into our measurement criteria is a human concept but time as a thing in the Universe exists, if it didn't we'd be able to do things such as eat a sandwich before we made it or die before we were born.
Time travel is technically possible. It's possible, for example, to stay in the same day for longer than 24 hours. Although not really time travel, as you say, we invented time.
No we didn't, we invented a means to sub divide and measure its progression.

Exactly. It isn't like we invented distance or displacement by calling a stick a metre and prior to that naming, nothing had any physical dimensions

Before anyone existed to say 'a minute is 60 seconds long', elements were still subjected to time. isotope x would still decay at a rate which is twice as quick as isotope Y.

Although not really time travel, as you say, we invented time.

The time =/= Time as a concept
This is what I'm saying.

As for time travel. There are some who believe it isn't impossible!

Whilst, I believe it is theoretically possible to travel forward in time you should be able to travel backwards, as that will introduce paradoxes, which in turn can be explained away if the multiverse theories hold water.
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