LG 27GL850-B Settings

Hey guys, So this is driving me crazy, ive went through 1 27 gn50 and 2 27GL850's before getting one i was satisfied with ( Panel lottery) but on one of them, i swear there was a "Six colour" osd setting, but i cant find it anywhere, i also looked online but can't see anything about it. Anyone have an idea what's going on?
It was on the 27GN950 under Picture Adjust.

In the Gamer 1 preset, all the LG 27GN950-B’s calibration controls are available. There are four gamma presets, three color temps, plus a custom mode, a method of selection by Kelvin value and a six-color hue and saturation menu. All adjustments are precise with fine resolution and excellent accuracy. Minor changes will produce a very accurate monitor.
OMG just realised that it's been exactly 1 year since I created this thread. I'm still loving all 3 of my 27GL850 monitors and 1440p at 144hz is still such a sweet spot with a 9900K and 2080 Super
How on earth do you guys use 15 or 23 brightness? Looks dull as hell. I never understand how so many reviewers or calibration posts have brightness turned down that far. I don't want my eyes bleeding at 100 brightness and 100 contrast but anything less than 50 or 60 feels like I'm watching a washed out movie with sunglasses on. It's just doesn't pop.
How on earth do you guys use 15 or 23 brightness? Looks dull as hell. I never understand how so many reviewers or calibration posts have brightness turned down that far. I don't want my eyes bleeding at 100 brightness and 100 contrast but anything less than 50 or 60 feels like I'm watching a washed out movie with sunglasses on. It's just doesn't pop.

Give it a couple of days at the recommended brightness and you'll get used to then when you go back to 50/60, your eyes will feel the burn :p

Your eyes will thank you too.

PS. sig needs updated too ;)
I have one of these arriving today and I really hope it'll be ok after the disaster I've had trying to obtain a decent BenQ Mobiuz monitor (had to return three of them in a row!). I gave up with BenQ and ended up just ordering the LG as I've had them in the past and they've been pretty decent for the price.

My only concern are the multiple mentions regarding poor contrast/black levels. I really hope the contrast isn't as bad as some people say? I'm not bothered about HDR and didn't buy it for that as I know this panel won't do HDR properly anyway (you need at least a HDR600 certification to make a noticeable difference imo).

I do play some darker scifi and horror type games, and mostly in the evening with just a small lamp on in the computer room. I know VA panels have better blacks and contrast, but I just can't put up with the smearing/blurring. At least IPS is finally reaching TN levels (or close too) when it comes to pixel response and IPS has better colour than a TN panel, although some TN panels aren't bad at all when it comes to colour. Viewing angles are a non issue as I sit in front of the monitor, not sideways, above or under the desk.
So I'm guessing there are different versions/revisions of this monitor? My LG looked great out the box and I've not actually got round to tweaking anything yet. The default brightness was on 50 which is fine for a well lit room, but I turned it down later in the evening when I switched the lights off.

I read quite a few early reviews that mentioned poor contrast and blacks levels appearing more grey than black... I can't see this and I consider myself to have an eye for detail. Black levels appear fine to me and IPS glow is very minimal, even in a dimly lit room. The colours and detail are very nice with this screen.

I'm happy with it.
OK, so I've recently discovered one minor niggle with the LG 27GL850-B... It's nothing major and the monitor is still great and I won't be replacing it any time soon, BUT... what's up with the edges of the screen when you look closely at an angle? It almost looks like a gap beneath the panel that causes some sort of shadow. Nothing major, but it's something I've never seen before and I've owned a fair few monitors over the years.
OK, so I've recently discovered one minor niggle with the LG 27GL850-B... It's nothing major and the monitor is still great and I won't be replacing it any time soon, BUT... what's up with the edges of the screen when you look closely at an angle? It almost looks like a gap beneath the panel that causes some sort of shadow. Nothing major, but it's something I've never seen before and I've owned a fair few monitors over the years.

It's not unique to that model, my 32GK850F has it too.
Been adjusting again today. Using http://www.lagom.nl/lcd-test/ I've never been able to achieve a few things with my settings to date.

1. Contrast test - I could not quite get squares 1-2 for the colour bands to show.
2. Black level - I did not see the top row of black squares.

So I've managed to now correct these. This is what I'm testing with now:

Game Mode = Gamer 1
Games Adjust > Black Stabiliser = 60
Picture Adjust > Brightness = 35
Picture Adjust > Contrast = 55
Picture Adjust > Gamma = Mode 3
Picture Adjust > Colour Temp = Warm
Picture Adjust > Six Colour = (All default - apart from Red_Saturation = 48)

I'm now seeing blocks 1-2 on the Contrast test with nice seperation on the colours up to 32 (especially on red). Although on blue blocks 31 and 32 don't seem to have a difference but I can't get them any better - adjusting the Blue_Saturation didn't help. Gamma looks right in the 2.2 range. Black level test I can now see from 3 onwards. White saturation test I'm seeing 252 and just a small part of 253. Pretty pleased but see how it goes as with Black Stabiliser up from 50 to 60 there is obviously a noticeable difference but going off the test patterns, it was too dark on 50. I was missing the entire top row.

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