Finally got around to setting the 360 up with the LG today and wow! its connected via component which produces an extremely vibrant and sharp image,a little tweaking was required to tone the colour down a tad but otherwise no problems.
In the resolution options within the 360's menu the selectable res's are 480p,780p and 1080i,I've experimented with all 3 and 1080i looks the best to me ,as I understand it 1080i is a res of 1920x1080,not quite sure how the LG is managing this res as it has a max resolution of 1366x768,I'm assuming its downscaling the image to its optimum resolution?
Well whatever it's doing it looks great,PGR suddenly becomes even more addictive,first console I've owned for years tbh being a bit of a pc stalwart but when combined with this tv the quality of image produced is definitely up there with my 6800Ultra and A64 system.
In the resolution options within the 360's menu the selectable res's are 480p,780p and 1080i,I've experimented with all 3 and 1080i looks the best to me ,as I understand it 1080i is a res of 1920x1080,not quite sure how the LG is managing this res as it has a max resolution of 1366x768,I'm assuming its downscaling the image to its optimum resolution?
Well whatever it's doing it looks great,PGR suddenly becomes even more addictive,first console I've owned for years tbh being a bit of a pc stalwart but when combined with this tv the quality of image produced is definitely up there with my 6800Ultra and A64 system.