Nipped into Curry's today to pick up a phone, and I noticed they had this TV there. IMO the picture looked better than the 4k set it was next to. Really can't wait to get it now!

I'll get the SLR out some point over the next week.

But I am astonished at how good the TV is. Black levels are unbelievable.
What sub, if any, are you using on the setup S2kip. I have the complete set of those BX's, except the sub as that is my next purchase, just don't think I can justify the £450 or so that it costs.
That thread on AVF mentions several issues with the TV including:
-A green tint?
-Non functioning calibration controls and/or artefacting if any settings are played with
-poor brightness in comparison to other LEDS (whatever that means)
-incredibly slow interface

Have these all been sorted via software updates by now? can't tell from that thread
Is there still love for this TV? Have an intermittent fault on my old LG set so looking at possible replacement sets and this has caught my eye as it can now be had for £1600.
Thanks, need to work out if the curved panel will work in my room. It can actually be had for sub £1500 if I pull the trigger today and get it from a highstreet store via Topcashback.
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