Lian-Li TR-3 thermometer and fan controller

25 Feb 2006

I'm a bit unsure about wiring this thing up properly and could use some help from anyone that has one.

How do you connect it up so that both the case HDD LED (a Lian-Li V1000+) and the TR-3 HDD indicator function? I read a review of the TR-3 which said there was a pass-thru cable, but I can't find any way of hooking both the TR-3 and case HDD cables up.

Also, should I use only the TR-3 to control the case fans, or could the fans be connected to both the m/board (Asus A8R32-MVP Deluxe) and the TR-3 together? (Same question for CPU fan too) :o

Its one or the other for the case fans.

The CPU fan should be used on the motherboard.

The hard drive, there should be a cable with a LED connector on one end, and it just flies through.

I cannot get a picture at the moment as I am not at home.

The LED will just plug into the TR3a and then a cable goes to the motherboard if I remember correctly, I did it a age ago and have only needed to do it once.
Yewen said:
Its one or the other for the case fans.

The CPU fan should be used on the motherboard.
The hard drive, there should be a cable with a LED connector on one end, and it just flies through.

I cannot get a picture at the moment as I am not at home.

The LED will just plug into the TR3a and then a cable goes to the motherboard if I remember correctly, I did it a age ago and have only needed to do it once.

Aha! Thanks for that. I hadn't noticed the empty jumpers next to the 2-pin HDD cable on the TR-3. I'm assuming that's what they're for anyway lol

Cheers mate :)
What pictures do you want?

Be a right pain pulling a drive bay out :p

Let me know what your stuck on and I will use my l33t MS paint skills to explain everything, then if that does not work I will delve into the depths of my PC for the pictures :p

well to be honest I have never installed a controller like this before (or any other) and am just trying to work out how to install it - so I apologise for the following daft questions in advance!

Bought the V1000+ after reading your review and liked the look of the contoller card you had in yours so bought that too -

Normally you would just plug the fans and hdd led into the pins on the motherboard - do these now just plug into the coresponding pins on the controller (so instead of fan to mobo you have fan to controller) and nothing plugs into the mobo except the controller HD led (and then the one from the case plugs into the two spare pins on the controller card ?)

The bit where you said the cpu should come off the motherboard has confused me - in fact I am just confused )

Sorry to be so dense but my last build was a shuttle and that was sooo much easier


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Its the fan controller that is confusing you :p

View it as a pass through, how I did and I worked it out quite quickly.

The Hdd LED header from the case plugs into the TR3, then a cable that came with the TR3 goes from the TR3 to the motherboard header. Thats the HDD working :)

The fans just plug into the TR3 and use its power connector.

The thermal probes plug into the TR3 and they are put around the case to read temperatures.

I think that covers it, the only slightly hard part is the hard drive connection.
I'm another confused person.

Each time I go to connect the TR-3, thinking "this time I'll do it!" I just end up looking at it for an hour and putting it back away again! :D I've got it connected as far as power goes but that's it. I've also put the thermometers at various points in the case (I'm guessing they are only really good for ambient readings). I took the plastic tubes off the thermometers, but left the yellow plastic bit on - correct?

OMG, Yewen's MS Paint explanation for the win pls!
I was confused until Yewen explained it as a pass through - then I just connected everything to it and booted up - no problems except i get a motherboard cpu fan error as it obviously cannot detect a cpu fan - I left the plastic bits on <shrug>


You need to go into your bios then.

There should be a option for disabling the CPU fan detection.

Or Report on Fan Failure.

It will be something like that, disable them and all will be fine :)
Well i gota say it looks nice, but man its kinda useless no way to control the fan speeds??!

ok nice temps, nice lcd, nice fan speed display, but there doesn't seem to be a way to adjust the fan speeds according to temperature thresholds
Harib0 said:
It's Automatic there is no manual control of the fan speed


No way :(, this is the only simplistic looking controller that I want and it doesn't even function right :eek:

Hmm Sunbeam rheobus and lian li drilled facsia here I come :/ but I don't get fan speeds with that.
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