LianLi V1000+ from OcUK....

12 Jan 2003
I am ordering soon and was wondering if anyone has purchased one recently and can tell me if the cases that are shipping from OcUK are the +2 versions with the side fan at the top on the right hand side of the case?
I know that OcUK themselves usually won't answer such questions so thought i would ask here.

Its pot luck as you know, last two I have had contact with have been +II, same as what people on the forums seem to have had.
Yewen said:
Its pot luck as you know, last two I have had contact with have been +II, same as what people on the forums seem to have had.

yeah i know but it's nice to know the most recent ones have been as i really really want the +2.

Order over the telephone and stipulate that you want a +2. If they can't promise that its is, buy elsewhere or get an undertaking from them in writing that they will pay for it's return if it turns out not to be a +2. Great play is made about service levels at OcUK, so hold them to it.

That said - I was in-store on Saturday and two guys came in and asked to see a case - they were told that boxes were sealed and could not be opened in store. They left. I have no idea how many sales are lost like that, but it's obviously not enough to make them change policy.

I'm a great believer in caveat emptor, but this stuff about we don't open the boxes and our suppliers are not able to tell us what's in the boxes ("drugs you say?, well I never!") is just unacceptable in my opinion. If I turned up at a customer with a copy of SAP R/3 and I said 'SAP just ship these brown cardboard boxes, I don't know what version of the software is inside' - they would quite correctly show me the door. Customers expect to get the latest version of something and to pay less if the version is not the latest.
Kamakazie! said:
yeah i know but it's nice to know the most recent ones have been as i really really want the +2.


I'm hopefully receiving one tommorrow. Finally dived in and ordered all my bits! I'll post to let you know what version I get if that helps you.
So theres two version of the lian Lie v1000+, a v1000+ and a v1000+2?

Also i'm buying a Tuniq Tower 120 soon, will this fit in a v1000+? I read a review saying this.


CPU heatsink clearance
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It has the same amount of space as any case I have used, actually more than most...

In what way did it not fit, the dimensions of the case are greater than the ATX spec. :confused:
WJA96 said:
Order over the telephone and stipulate that you want a +2. If they can't promise that its is, buy elsewhere or get an undertaking from them in writing that they will pay for it's return if it turns out not to be a +2. Great play is made about service levels at OcUK, so hold them to it.

i know what you mean but i will risk it. i know exactly what response i will get if i ask for that. that is presuming i can get through, which hasn't been succesful so far today (order for bro, website/opera screwed up making me place a duplicate order).
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Vegeta said:
God knows, by the look of the pic it looks like a decent amount of space, but according to this review...

Not fancy selling me yours Yewen? You have pleny of cases :D

Ignore that review, he mentions side panel rattle but is not smart enough to take the panel off and put it on again as he has not gotten the catch on right. :rolleyes:

Also says not suitable for silent operation..... erm I have had different experiences with it, muppet reviewer. :mad:

Ignore everything that guy said, he obviously did not try anything past stock fans, or volt mods, or rubber mountings. He just used it one saturday afternoon and that was it.
Never used the cooler you have, but it fits a XP120 and Big Typhoon with acres of room to spare.

Typical me missing the last paragraph of my last post. :cool:
only small problem i've found with my new v1000+ (not the plus II version), is that the exhaust fan doesn't fit in properly with my AGP 6600GT + zalman VF700. I've managed to get the exhaust in, but its not in straight and rests upagainst the fins of the vf700. I also found i needed loner than 45cm SATA cables. The guy that had the case before me had put in some sharkoon noiseblockers to replace the stock fans, and they are nice a quiet.
Apart from vf700/exhaust fan problem it really is a great case and looks smart.
Well all i can say is that i have the version 2 v1000+ and using a Akasa evo cooler and 1900xt and all fits in fine.
Quite wise, i did replace the 120mm fans with akasa orange's apart from the side 120, thats an akasa blue led one :p Anyway pretty quiet in my books (1900xt is HIS ice3, keeps it quieter)

To end it all the case is so well built that its worth getting just for that :D If i can help any other way then let me know.
shifted my exhaust fan along a bit (nearer to the side panel) so its not touching the vf700. fits fine except i can only use 3 screws to hold it in as the padlock catch is blocking the place where the 4th screw would go.
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